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Environment: Food rappers overtake cigarette butts as the top litter found on the beach


Experts have found that plastic-based food wraps throw away cigarette butts as a major form of litter that pollutes beaches and waterways.

Every September, Ocean Conservancy, a US-based environmental group, hosts the International Coastal Cleanup, a one-day trash-pickup for the entire globe.

According to the newly released figures, more than 943,000 volunteers participated in last year’s cleanup, collecting about 4,771,600 food wraps.

These include sweet wrappers, crisp packets, drink pouches and more. All of these are usually composed of layers of low-density plastic that cannot be recycled.

This is the first time a rapper has been the largest type of litter found during the International Coastal Cleanup that has been running since 1986.

Last year’s cleanup, participants collected a total of 32.5 million trash — weighing 20.8 million pounds, including 4.2 million cigarette butts.

Experts estimate that 11 million tonnes of plastic waste are released into the sea each year, affecting more than 800 species of marine wildlife.

Experts say plastic-based food wraps throw away cigarette butts as the main form of litter that pollutes beaches (pictured) and waterways.

Experts say plastic-based food wrapping throws away cigarette butts as a major form of litter that pollutes beaches (photos) and waterways

“In the early days of international coast cleanup, volunteers were finding glass bottles, metal cans, paper bags, and other items that were being replaced by alternative plastics,” said Allison Shoots, director of Ocean Conservancy. I am.

“As a result, more and more food-related plastics end up in our environment, where they persist and threaten wildlife indefinitely.”

In fact, a 2017 survey calculated that 45% of the plastics produced in Europe, the United States, China and India between 2002 and 2014 were used to make food packaging. St.

Nevertheless, recycling rates for plastic containers and packaging in the United States remained at just 13%, reported by the Environmental Protection Agency in the same year. It is the lowest of all materials used for such purposes.

Nick Marros, senior director of Ocean Conservancy, who runs the Trash-Free Seas program, said, “Plastic bottles can be recycled, you can take your bag to the supermarket, and often skip plastic straws. You can also do that.”

“Manufacturers have put most of their R&D energy into disposable plastics in terms of keeping foods fresh, safe, and readily available,” he added.

“We need food science and packaging professionals to accelerate R&D in packaging that is not directed to landfills, keeping both people and our oceans safe and healthy.”

During the International Coastal Cleanup, volunteers log each item of garbage collected through a paper data card or Ocean Conservancy’s Clean Swell mobile app.

Over the past 34 years, cleanup efforts have collected more than £344.6 million of trash from beaches and waterways around the world.

This data will be used by researchers, industry leaders and authorities to inform policy decisions and seek new solutions to the world’s marine plastic pollution crisis.

Every September, Ocean Conservancy, a US-based environmental group, hosts the International Coastal Cleanup, a one-day trash-pickup for the entire globe.  Photo shows Kenyan volunteers removing debris from a polluted beach

Every September, Ocean Conservancy, a US-based environmental group, hosts the International Coastal Cleanup, a one-day trash-pickup for the entire globe. Photo shows Kenyan volunteers removing debris from a polluted beach

According to the newly released numbers, more than 943,000 volunteers participated in last year's cleanup, collecting 4,771,602 food wraps

According to the newly released numbers, more than 943,000 volunteers participated in last year’s cleanup, collecting 4,771,602 food wraps

This is the first time that food wrapping paper, such as the crisp packets in the picture, was the largest type of litter found at the International Coastal Cleanup, which has been conducted annually since 1986.

This is the first time that food wrapping paper, like the crisp packets in the picture, was the largest type of litter found at the International Coastal Cleanup, which has been conducted annually since 1986.

The 2019 International Coastal Cleanup results were released to coincide with the 35th year of the program.

Every year, cleaning is usually done on the third Sunday of September, but this year, the coronavirus epidemic will change the way projects are implemented.

“International coastal cleanup is about community and collective action, and we and the sea need it more than ever,” Schuts added.

“That’s why we encourage volunteers to work together, apart” through individual or small group cleanup. We are also focusing on household efforts to keep garbage and plastic away from the sea. “

For more information on international coastal cleanup, Ocean Conservancy website..

“In the early days of international coast cleanup, volunteers were finding glass bottles, metal cans, paper bags, and other items that were being replaced by alternative plastics,” said Allison Shoots, director of Ocean Conservancy. I am. The volunteers in the photo carry the waste collected during the 2019 international coastal cleanup campaign in Washington

Every year 8 million tons of plastic go out to sea

Of the 30 billion plastic bottles used in British households each year, only 57% are recycled today.

Half of these are used for landfill and half of all recycled PET bottles are discarded.

About 700,000 plastic bottles become garbage every day.

This is primarily due to the plastic wrapping of non-recyclable bottles.

Bottles are a major source of increasing plastic waste in the world’s oceans.

Researchers now warn that 8 million tonnes of plastic are released into the sea each year. This equates to one truck per minute.

According to a report released in 2016, the world’s marine plastic litter will exceed fish by 2050, unless the world takes drastic action to further recycle.

At current rates, this will drop to 4 trucks per minute by 2050, surpassing conventional life to become the largest inhabitant of the ocean.

According to a report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, overwhelming 95% of plastic packaging (equivalent to £6.5 billion to £92 billion) is lost to the economy with a single use.

Available research estimates that there are over 150 million tons of plastic in the ocean today.

It is estimated that about 8 million metric tons of plastic invade the world's oceans each year.

Plastic pollution is destroying the world’s ecosystems, both marine and terrestrial. Loosen coastlines, hook animals, and suffocate entire animal populations

Scientists warn that every year, so much plastic is dumped into the ocean that it fills five carrying bags for each foot on the coastline of the globe.

More than half of the plastic waste that flows into the sea comes from five countries: China, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Sri Lanka.

The only industrialized western country on the list of the top 20 plastic polluters is the 20th largest United States.

Researchers say that the United States and Europe don’t mismanage the waste they collect, so plastic trash from these countries is garbage.

According to a study published in Science, China is responsible for 2.4 million tons of plastics emitted worldwide, while the United States contributes less than 1 percent, 77,000 tons. ..


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