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COVID-19 may be circulating in LA in December, UCLA survey – NBC Los Angeles


Researchers and colleagues at UCLA found a significant increase in patients with cough and acute respiratory failure at the UCLA Health Hospital and clinic beginning late December. It was announced on Thursday as COVID-19 was confirmed in the United States.

This sudden surge in patients with these symptoms, which lasted until February, represents an unexpected 50% increase in such cases when compared to each of the same periods over the past five years.

According to the researchers, the findings show the importance of analyzing electronic medical records to monitor and quickly identify irregular changes in the patient population. Researchers’ approaches, focusing on outpatient data as well as inpatient data, could help epidemiologists and healthcare systems detect future epidemics faster.

This study appears in the peer-reviewed Journal of Medical Internet Research.

“For many illnesses, data from outpatient settings can provide an early warning of what is to come in the emergency department and in intensive care units in hospitals,” said lead author and professor of medicine in the study. Said one Joan Elmore. General internal medicine and health services research at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. “Most of the COVID-19 studies evaluate inpatient data, but we also looked at large outpatient settings. Symptoms occur.”

As scientists and doctors continue to learn more about the viruses that cause SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, the healthcare system, and public health agencies, they also try to predict and monitor cases. Analysts of electronic patient records have made health authorities more effective in analyzing the current pandemic-like deaths that have killed hundreds of thousands of people and killed billions worldwide, researchers say. Will be able to identify and control.

“The pandemic really underscores the need for agile healthcare analytics to enable real-time symptom and disease monitoring using electronic medical record data.” Technologies including artificial intelligence using machine learning It also has the potential to identify and track irregular changes in health data, including a large excess of patients who have symptoms of a particular disease type weeks or months ago.”

Researchers evaluated UCLA Health’s outpatient, emergency department, and hospital facility over 10 million healthcare systems and patient visit records and compared data from the period December 1 to February 29. .. USA-contemporaneous data for the last 5 years.

They found that outpatient clinic visits by UCLA patients seeking cough treatment increased by more than 50%, exceeding the average number of outpatient visits with the same complaint over the past five years by more than 1,000. Similarly, they found that the number of patients seen in the emergency department was significantly excessive due to reports of patients admitted with cough and acute respiratory failure during this period. According to UCLA, these excesses remain even after accounting for changes in patient numbers and seasonal variations.


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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