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Contraceptive services after coronavirus are “worse”



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Louise says he’s been struggling for years to find the right contraceptive

The coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated the “difficult situation” for women seeking access to contraception, warns parliamentarians and groups of peers.

According to their study, many years of savings mean that patients “have to navigate complex systems just to get basic medical care.”

It warns that the damage caused by the pandemic can lead to unplanned pregnancies and increased abortions.

Sexual health doctors say the service is “overkill and underfunded.”

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health (APPG) said the reduction in public health funding in the UK had widespread consequences, including:

  • Service closure
  • Shortening business hours
  • Waiting list
  • Staff cut

The impact of these reductions is often felt by the most marginalized groups.

A group of members of parliament call for a single committee to improve accountability.


Women are said to “bounce back from service to service”-like Louise 32, who had struggled for years to find a contraceptive that did not cause harmful effects.

In 2018, she found a “perfect fit”. Contraceptive injections that she can administer by herself.

But in January she was told she needed to switch to another injection.

“My Sex Health Clinic didn’t make a reservation, so I had to walk and wait for hours to see, which was really frustrating,” she explains.

“It’s very hard to find a contraceptive that works for you. Then it’s even harder to remove it from you.”

According to this study, coronaviruses have further increased the pressure on contraceptive medicine, including significantly reducing face-to-face access.

When Lockdown was announced, Louise couldn’t get an injection promise, so he had to go to the pill.

“I’ve had three different types of contraception this year alone, and women don’t have to jump over all these hoops,” she says.

“Excessive funding shortage”

In some cases during lockdown, essential care facilities such as emergency fittings and device removal are also affected.

Lisa’s coil fitting in March was canceled due to a pandemic. She is currently pregnant.

“It wasn’t planned, but we’re honored to be able to financially support a third child,” she says. “I really feel the women don’t get that kind of support properly.”

According to this study, a lack of funding for long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs)-intrauterine contraception and implants-means the GP has no incentive to provide these services, and when it comes to services Contribute to the number lottery.

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Access to long-term contraception such as coils and injections is also affected by lockdown

It warns that further reductions for local governments may lead to further reductions in access and an increase in unplanned pregnancy.

The British Pregnancy Advisor Service (BPAS) previously sought to make emergency contraceptives available for purchase in supermarkets without consulting. The tablets dropped significantly from the morning Locking down.

“Coved-19 made the difficult situation even worse,” said Dr. Asha Kashiwa of the Department of Reproductive Medicine.

“The funding and commissioning challenges have resulted in over-funded services that have not been sustainably supported to provide care to women and girls before or during a pandemic.”

The APPG argues that the current system means that there is a “large lack of local and national accountability” and that the restructuring of British public health is an opportunity to solve the problem.

It proposes to create one organization that “maintains supervision and is accountable for all commissioning decisions.”

The study also recommends the development of a dedicated digital contraceptive service that is expected to protect patients in the event of another lockdown.

While the number of healthcare providers offering digital support has increased significantly during the pandemic, reaching a marginalized group remains a concern.

Women, especially those who are isolated or vulnerable, are advised to use the NHS-guaranteed My GP app to repeatedly order prescriptions.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Human Services said:

“The report raises an important issue, which will be considered as part of our next task in developing sexual and reproductive health strategies.”

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