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WHO wants world leaders to unite, six months after the pandemic call


Six months after declaring a Geneva-pandemic, WHO officials said Thursday that solidarity and lack of leadership among the world’s major powers was “the most worrisome thing for me” in the fight against COVID-19. Said.

World Health Organization Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the new coronavirus is still spreading globally due to gaps between major players in combating the disease.

The United Nations health agency declared a public health emergency of international concern (its highest level of alert) on January 30, but Tedros first described the epidemic as a pandemic on March 11. , Attracted public attention.

Looking back on this point of the crisis at the de facto press conference, Tedros said: “What I am most worried about is … the lack of solidarity.

“When solidarity is lacking, and when we are separated, it’s a very good opportunity for the virus, and that’s why it’s still widespread.

“That worries me and I want it from the world.

“We need solidarity, especially the global leadership of the world’s major powers. That’s the way to defeat this virus.”

The virus has killed more than 900,000 people and infected at least 27.9 million people since the virus broke out in China last December.

“The end will not come soon”

The United States has withdrawn WHO, and President Trump has accused him of being too late to declare a pandemic and too close to China.

In addition, the WHO-led ACT-Accelerator program is a global collaboration to find vaccines and treatments for Covid-19, receiving less than one-tenth of the funding needed to date.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Thursday that nearly $ 3 billion in donations so far have been important for the early stages since the launch of the accelerator four months ago.

However, the shift from startup to scale-up required an additional $ 35 billion. It will start at $ 15 billion in the next three months.

WHO emergency director Michael Ryan said the pandemic had hit the world in the last six months, but warned that the end was not yet visible.

“We mourn the deaths of the lost and we congratulate the courage of front-line healthcare professionals … we stand with those who are feeling the pain of this pandemic.” He said.

Ryan said WHO is committed to continuing to fight the virus, controlling infections and developing and delivering safe vaccines.

“We can only promise to do what humans can do,” he said.

“The end will not come soon.

“We hope this virus wasn’t with us because all the citizens on this planet are tired, but we have to work for this purpose. Hmm.

WHO, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Tedros, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Update, COVID-19 Update, Coronavirus Update, ANC


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