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COVID-19 Three times higher symptoms of depression during lockdown


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If you get stuck in quarantine during a pandemic, your mental health will be strained. Getty Images
  • A new study found that the symptoms of depression were three times higher during COVID-19 lockdown.
  • Experts say the COVID-19 pandemic is a much larger traumatic event.
  • It causes physical, emotional and psychological distress as well as viral patients.

We have been very focused on the physical effects of COVID-19 and how to stop its spread, but we may have put another condition under the radar: depression.

recently Investigation, The researchers analyzed survey data from 1,441 participants, all US adults over the age of 18.

Depressive symptoms during COVID-19 lockdown were three times higher than before the pandemic, increasing from 8.5% before COVID-19 to 27.8%.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a very large traumatic event. It causes physical, emotional and psychological distress as well as viral patients.

We’ve been working hard to cover our faces, wash our hands, and stay 6 feet away from everyone, including our loved ones, but how pandemics and quarantines are lacking in our mental health. You may not have noticed.

Policies introduced to prevent the spread of COVID-19 have disrupted the daily lives of most people in the United States.

From the beginning of the pandemic to mid-April, 20 million people applied for unemployment.

As of mid-April, 42 states were receiving home-based recommendations or on-the-spot evacuation policies, affecting the lives of 316 million people, according to a survey.

“The results suggest that the incidence of depression symptoms is three times higher during the pandemic than before the pandemic.” Dr. Brittany Lemonda, Senior Neuropsychologist at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City. “Undoubtedly, this increase in mood symptoms involves many factors, including increased social isolation, financial difficulties, and exposure to other stressors.”

These are not minor obstacles.

The findings are comparable to those from other major traumatic events. For example, since September 11, 2001, 9.6% of Manhattan residents have been symptomatic. Consistent with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder..

“Exposure to large-scale traumatic events is associated with an increased burden of mental illness in the affected population,” the study reported.

The study found that fewer participants had no symptoms of depression and more had more symptoms of COVID-19 than before COVID-19. We also found that certain groups were at increased risk of depression, such as low-income groups and groups with household savings of less than $ 5,000. They had a 50% higher risk of depression than those with high incomes.

But income is not the only factor. Isolation and uncertainty contribute to the symptoms of depression in people of all socio-economic backgrounds.

“People are more socially isolated, less structured and routine, and more uncertain about the future, resulting in a significant increase in the rate of depression during a pandemic. Dr. Colin Riff, NYU Langone Health Psychiatric Clinical Associate Professor.

Beyond that, he added that there was a change in the “big picture.” “What does this do to the plans people had? What if you’re trying to start work six months late and are now in financial trouble? They have important other people or family members. What if I lose and have to face a life without that person? “

Moreover, there is no way to know when it will end. Needless to say, it’s understandable why the symptoms of depression are increasing.

There are many ways to help Relieve the symptoms of depression Even during a pandemic.

Depression is a common condition that affects millions of people in the United States and around the world. This means that you have a proven and reliable way to deal with your symptoms and you can go back and enjoy life.

“People at risk of mood symptoms, such as those with a history of depression or anxiety, those with a history of substance abuse, those facing long-term unemployment, or those who feel isolated from others. Identifying is essential for early detection and intervention, “said Le Monda. “Recognizing signs of warnings from friends and family, such as hopelessness and withdrawal from others, can be one way to connect individuals to the right service before their symptoms worsen.”

If you are not sure if you are suffering from depression, your symptoms may include:

  • Low energy
  • insomnia
  • Weight loss
  • Feeling low
  • Feels like a burden on others
  • Sense of guilt
  • Suicidal ideation

“You can decide what to do based on your symptoms,” Reiff said. “It could be as easy as developing a similar day of structure or routine, or setting a reminder to take the time for yourself, even a day.”

There is also psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is one of the most valuable tools for improving mental health.

“Suddenly getting someone to understand and see things from a different perspective is of great value,” says Reiff. “Especially when someone is suffering from depression.”

In addition, drug therapies such as antidepressants can help some people.

In the midst of a pandemic and recession, LeMonda said one way to help is to contact family and friends and check their mental health.

“Everyone is struggling in some way during COVID-19. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or share your experience with people nearby,” Le Monda said. “You will find that you are not the only chance.”


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