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Vaccine support volatility highlights the looming Covid challenges


Residents Participate in Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic Trial

Photographer: Eva Marie Uzcategui / Bloomberg

Fundamentally different opinions around the world regarding the safety, efficacy, and importance of vaccines highlight the challenges facing health authorities when Covid-19 shots arrive.

Confidence in vaccines has declined in recent years in countries such as South Korea, Indonesia, Pakistan and Poland, according to a study published Thursday in The Lancet Medical Journal. Support for vaccination in Europe remains low compared to other regions, but there are signs of growing confidence in Finland, France, Italy, Ireland and the United Kingdom, the report found.

The authors, their study of more than 284,000 adults surveyed in 149 countries between 2015 and 2019, is the greatest effort to date to measure global confidence in vaccines. He said he believed.

According to research, political instability and religious extremism have fueled skepticism in some countries, but the spread of false information can disrupt vaccination programs. Decreased self-confidence delays, discourages people from receiving injections, and can contribute to the development of diseases such as measles, polio, and meningitis.

“It was very volatile,” Heidi Larson, a professor at the London School of Health and Tropical Medicine, who led the study, said in an interview. This report will help you determine “where is the confidence building and preparation needed for the Covid vaccine?”

The problem is going on differently around the world.

According to the survey results, the number of people who strongly oppose the safety of the vaccine has increased significantly in six countries, including Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Serbia. Studies show that in the Philippines, concerns about the dengue vaccine caused a sharp loss of self-confidence, which also appeared to affect regular shot intake.

Poland, France

In Poland, the organized anti-vaccine movement has reduced the percentage of people who strongly agree that firing is safe from 64% a year ago in 2019 to 53%, the authors write. However, in France, where confidence in vaccines is low, it surged from 22% to 30% during the same period.

Research revealed hesitation in some parts of the globe as vaccine developers sprinted to come up with Covid-19 shots. In last month’s Gallup poll, about one-third of Americans I can’t get the vaccine When it becomes available.

US Surgeon Jerome Adams Earlier this week Flagged the importance of working with religious communities, celebrities, social media influencers and doctors. He said he had already discussed a campaign to promote vaccination with Lady Gaga, TI, and Kylie Jenner.

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg, Daniel Salmon, a professor of public health, wrote in an article accompanying the study.


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