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China begins testing coronavirus nasal spray vaccine


The latest COVID-19 vaccine candidate to begin human testing is the first volunteer to receive no painful injections. Instead, you will receive a spray through your nose.

On Wednesday, China approved a Phase 1 human trial of a nasal spray vaccine jointly developed by researchers at Xiamen University and the University of Hong Kong, and vaccine maker Beijing Bodai Biopharmacy Enterprise.

Intranasal spray was previously developed as a flu vaccine and is recommended for use between children and adults who want to avoid the more common needle injections. Although not the most frequent choice of delivery, scientists around the world are working to develop sprays as an alternative to muscle jabs for all types of vaccines.

Intranasal vaccines are the tenth candidate to advance to an important stage of human testing in China. The country is building a lead in vaccine development after Western pioneer AstraZeneca PLC had to suspend late-stage human trials to investigate spinal cord disease in people who underwent shots. I will.

Intranasal sprays contain a weakened influenza virus that carries the genetic segment of the coronavirus spike protein. According to the Science and Technology Daily attached to the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, it is administered through the nasal cavity and stimulates the body’s immune response to the pathogen that causes COVID-19 by mimicking the natural infection of respiratory viruses.

Some scientists hope that nasal-sprayed vaccines have a better chance of blocking the spread of infiltrating viruses through the respiratory tract. Needle injections can provoke a systematic immune response to prevent serious illness, but they may not be strong enough to prevent infection.

Preclinical studies have shown that nasal vaccines can significantly reduce lung damage between mice and hamsters when challenged with the coronavirus, Science and Technology Daily reported.

Nasal sprays have joined the approximately 35 other candidates currently in human trials as global competition for effective vaccines against deadly pathogens is intensifying. .. With AstraZeneca’s retreat, China’s most advanced vaccine developers, such as CanSino Biologics Inc. and the state-owned China National Biotec Group Co., are emphasizing the safety of their shots.

CNBG said the two shots it was testing were effective in preventing infection. In an article published in Science and Technology Daily, CNBG’s legal counsel Zhou Song said that both Chinese diplomats and workers traveling to overseas virus hotspots were infected months after vaccination. I have not reported. CanSino uses the same vaccine manufacturing technology as AstraZeneca, military aid shots are safe, and there are no serious side effects in the tests.

CanSino co-founder and chief scientific officer Zhu Tao defends the vaccine against criticism that it appears to elicit fewer antibodies compared to those produced by rivals, including AstraZeneca and Moderna Inc. Did. Zhu said in a presentation to investors this week.

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