Virus surge in the UK, new regulation in Birmingham, UK
Households in Birmingham, England’s second-largest city, will stop dating with others from Friday as part of a dramatic increase in coronavirus regulation following a surge in newly identified cases. We sought
Households in Birmingham, London-England’s second largest city, are being asked to stop dating other people from Friday as part of a dramatic tightening Corona virus Limitations following a sharp surge in newly identified cases.
With increasing evidence of increased transmission rates across the UK, a more stringent restriction on household mixing in the neighboring autonomous regions of Birmingham and Solihull and Sandwell is the local increase in viral cases.
The ban will officially come into effect on Tuesday, but Street told affected residents “Because it has been identified as one of the drivers of the epidemic, avoid mixing at home before that.” I advised.
According to Street, the biggest increase in cases is for young people under the age of 40, so young people need to “take responsibility.” Also, regulations are school, workplace, or transportation..
“It’s about home mixing,” he said.
Mayor of the city health, Dr. Justin Bernie, said the increase in incidents was “mainly related to private household chores” at the end of August.
According to NHS Digital data, the latest 7-day infection rate up to September 8 was 78.2 per 100,000, with 892 infections during the period, the highest in Birmingham since its peak in April. The percentage for the last 7 days was just over 30.
The move, which affects more than one million people, is the latest in tightening regulations following the recent surge in the UK as a whole, especially among young people.
Earlier this week, the UK government, which has sole public responsibility, health In England, the meeting will be limited to six people both indoors and outdoors from Monday, and the new rules will be more closely monitored, including fines. Other countries in the UK (Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) have announced similar restrictions on rallies.
Over the past week, the number of confirmed cases in the UK has increased dramatically. For most of the week, daily growth is close to 3,000, about twice the previous week.
Most of the increase is due to more testing in the community, not as fast as the weeks before the lockdown was announced on March 23, but it’s clear that the epidemic is widespread. is.
The Emergency Science Advisory Group, which advises the government on virus-related issues, said virus prevalence is likely to be increasing across the UK, and that reproductive rates are currently between 1.0 and 1.2. .. On average, it infects a little more than the other one. At the height of the pandemic earlier this year, the R-value was thought to be around 3. During the summer, R-values were nearly flat or below 1. In other words, the epidemic is getting smaller.
Separately, a survey of more than 150,000 volunteers tested by Imperial College London and voting firm Ipsos MORI from August 22nd to September 7th found that the epidemic doubled every 7-8 days. I understand.
“Initially, we’ve seen more cases among young people around the world lead to hospitalization and death,” said Health Secretary Matt Hancock. “The pandemic isn’t over yet, everyone keeps the virus away, and circumvents yet another limitation.”
Conservative governments have faced strong criticism of the mixed message since they began to ease the blockade of the coronavirus in late spring. For example, he spends most of his summer eating out to help the hospitality industry and now encourages workers to return to the office to support a blockbuster business in the city
The UK’s virus deaths are among the worst in Europe, with 41,600 deaths within 28 days of a positive test. Actual tolls are considered to be much higher, as government tally does not include those who died untested.
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