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Vaccines are becoming more vigilant in some countries and are not a precursor to COVID vaccines


According to the largest known vaccine reliability modeling, public confidence in vaccines varies around the world, is unacceptable in some parts of Europe, and is experiencing political instability and religious extremism. Is becoming more vigilant Investigation..

Study published yesterday LancetAnalytical data from 290 national representative surveys of 284,381 adults in 149 countries collected from September 2015 to December 2019 on the importance, efficacy and safety of vaccines. Data are regularly collected by the Vaccine Reliability Project of the London School of Health and Tropical Medicine, which led the study.

If authorities approve the COVID-19 vaccine, it will be launched within the next few months, and the findings could cause problems. This could be later this year or early 2021.

The authors said it is important to monitor vaccine attitudes regularly, as vaccine hesitation interferes with the intake of life-saving vaccines for infectious diseases such as COVID-19. In 2019, the World Health Organization will raise vaccine skepticism among the top 10 threats to global health as it is due to at least part of the increased incidence of preventable diseases such as measles, meningitis and polio. Declared one.

Vaccine opposition, false alarm campaign

In the survey, vaccine confidence in Europe ranged from 19% in Lithuania to 66% in Finland in December 2019. And, at least in part, due to Poland’s anti-vaccine movement, vaccine confidence in that country fell from 64% in November 2018, but in Europe, especially Finland, France, Italy, Ireland and the United Kingdom. It has been pointed out that confidence in the safety of vaccines is increasing.

In contrast, six affected by religious extremism, including Afghanistan (2% in 2015 to 3% in 2019), Azerbaijan (2% to 17%), and Indonesia (1% to 3%). Strong anti-vaccine sentiment is rising in politically unstable countries. %), Nigeria (1% -2%), Pakistan (2% -4%), Serbia (4% -7%).

From November 2015 to December 2019, confidence in vaccines in Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines and South Korea also declined. The authors of the study are likely to be associated with adverse events in children associated with the dengue vaccine (from 82% support for vaccine safety in 2015 to 2019) in the Philippines. Dengvaxia The last 3 years.

In South Korea, organizations such as the anti-vaccine group ANAKI (Korean acronym for “raising children without drugs”) have undermined confidence in vaccines. Similarly, reduced confidence in vaccine safety (64% to 50%), importance (75% to 50%), and efficacy (59% to 47%) in Indonesia from 2015 to 2019. It was seen. Skepticism of Muslim leaders about the safety of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine. Leaders issued a fatwa (religious order) banning vaccines, claiming that they contained ingredients derived from pigs (Muslims do not eat pork).

According to the authors, the results of this and other studies will help focus public health efforts and resources in areas where confidence in vaccines needs to be built. Dr. Heidi Larson, co-author of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Lancet Press release False information about vaccine safety spreads rapidly online, often resulting in significant reductions in vaccination coverage. For example, in Pakistan and Nigeria, misleading information about polio vaccines has led to outbreaks in both countries.

“Sometimes there is a real small risk that spreads rapidly, is amplified and appears to be a much larger risk,” she said. “Also, while the vaccine debate has been deliberately polarized, taking advantage of questionable public and system weaknesses for political purposes, the decline in vaccine confidence elsewhere has been against the government and scientific elite. May be affected by general distrust. “

Awareness of the importance of vaccines

Dr. Clarissa Simas, co-author of the University of Health Sciences in London, said in this announcement that confidence in the importance of vaccines is paramount to vaccination, as opposed to the efficacy and safety of vaccines. Announced that there is.

“Our findings suggest that people do not necessarily deny the importance of vaccination of children, even if they question how safe the vaccine is,” she says. It was. “While the general public seems to understand the value of vaccines in general, the science and public health community is working to build public confidence in the safety of vaccination, especially with the expectation of the COVID-19 vaccine. We need to do better. “

In 2019, the countries and regions with the highest percentage of respondents who said vaccination of children was important included Iraq (95%), Liberia (93%) and Senegal (92%). The countries and regions with the lowest rates are Albania (26%), Hong Kong (36%) and Russia (34%).

Men and poorly educated people tended to take less vaccine, as opposed to those who relied on information from health professionals rather than information from social circles.

so Commentary In the same journal, Dr. Daniel Salmon and Dr. Matthew Dudley of Johns Hopkins University guarantee the safety of the vaccine while the world is waiting for an approved vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, which brings vaccine safety. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears.

“Without global investment in active vaccine safety monitoring, continuous monitoring of public awareness, and the development of rapid and flexible communication strategies, SARS-CoV-2 vaccines can be swift and effective. There is a risk that they will never reach their potential because they cannot continue. We will respond whether or not we actually respond to public vaccine safety concerns. “

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