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Wal-Mart currently offers convenient flu shots nationwide


Wal-Mart has announced that convenient flu shots are now available at any pharmacy in the country.

Bentonville, Ark-Wal-Mart announced that convenient flu shots are now available at any pharmacy in the country. This year, they launch a digital scheduler for customers to book their flu shot appointments. There is also an in-store event for influenza vaccination following COVID-19 precautions.

Wal-Mart also provides employees with free flu shots, regardless of their insurance status. Wal-Mart says it does this so that the country’s largest workforce can stay healthy and continue to contribute to the community throughout the flu season.

“Given COVID-19, influenza vaccination is more important than ever,” said Wal-Mart. Influenza prevention as our healthcare system faces pandemic tensions in addition to the annual influenza season. Vaccination can ease the burden on the healthcare industry and at the same time protect us from at least one of the viruses that affect our health. ā€¯Walmart Chief Medical Officer Tom Van Gilder Said the doctor. “We are all longing for the COVID-19 vaccine, but by being vaccinated against the flu, we can provide an’immune service’to keep the community safe and healthy this fall. ”

Wal-Mart is currently implementing a variety of efforts to facilitate safe vaccination of customers and employees in accordance with the COVID-19 protocol, including:

  • Influenza vaccination event: Wal-Mart stores hold convenient in-store events on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons to encourage customers to be vaccinated against the flu during their scheduled shopping trips (for exact times). Check with your local pharmacy). These events will begin on Thursday, September 10th, making it easier and faster for customers to get a flu shot. In addition, on Saturday, September 26, Wal-Mart will host Influenza Vaccination Wellness Day from 10 am to 2 pm. For more information
  • Digital reservation scheduler: Knowing that many people limit their time away from home during a pandemic, Wal-Mart launches a digital scheduler that schedules flu shots directly. Walmart mobile app.. This allows customers to schedule a flu shot before going shopping for groceries on a regular basis. Customers fill out patient surveys online to make appointments and streamline the in-store vaccination process as much as possible. You can also make a reservation for bringing in. Upon arrival at the store, customers will be screened for COVID-19 before being vaccinated against the flu.
  • Special pharmacy hours and safety precautions: Wal-Mart works closely with national and local public health personnel and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help customers and employees stay safe in the event of a pandemic. At stores nationwide, we are implementing safety measures such as delegating masks, one-way aisles to promote social distance within the stores, and health examinations for pharmacists and employees. In addition, Wal-Mart will offer special pharmacies to seniors and risky customers from 6am to 7am on Tuesday, during which influenza vaccinations will be available.
  • Influenza vaccination: Wal-Mart’s 1.5 million US employees will have access to flu shots this year at no out-of-pocket cost, regardless of their tenure at the company or their insurance status. Making flu shots available is just one way Wal-Mart can support its employees throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes emergency leave policies and special cash bonuses.

Wal-Mart said: “I am very proud of the employees who are doing a great job contributing to the entire pandemic community, and to ensure that everyone is safe and healthy with this flu, at no cost. We are proud to have access to vaccinations, said Van Guilder. “Walmart employees are encouraged to provide’immunity services’ by being vaccinated against the flu, and our neighbors too. We hope you will join us to protect our community. ”

In addition to flu shots, Wal-Mart has fresh foods that boost immunity, such as citrus fruits and peppers, over-the-counter medicines in medicine cabinets that have over-the-counter medicines, and homes such as cleaning supplies and tissues. It states that it offers supplies at low prices every day.

For more information on influenza vaccinations and wellness resources available in your local Wal-Mart, please visit:

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