At least 44 9/11 first respondents believe survivors died of coronavirus
Nineteen years after the United States suffered the worst attack on American soil, it was hospitalized and faced another challenge in the form of a virus that killed both survivors and first responders at Ground Zero in Manhattan. did.
As of September 4, 1,185 first respondents and 287 survivors had been tested positive for the coronavirus, the World Trade Center Health Program said. Newsweek.. Because it was Ground Zero when two planes hit the World Trade Center’s North Tower and South Tower, program members were at increased risk of developing serious complications when infected with the virus, and 197 people were hospitalized. ..
Of these hospitalizations, 154 were the first responders and 43 were survivors. It is believed that 44 people (24 first responders and 20 survivors) died of COVID-19.
However, the exact number is unknown, as the program data only includes people who have visited the Clinical Center of Excellence or the Nationwide Provider Network location. The program’s mortality data is based on people who have a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 or who are considered presumed positive based on their mortality symptoms. However, the program was unable to determine if COVID-19 was the cause of their death.
“Almost 20 years later, many responders and survivors still suffer from long-term physical and mental health effects,” said Dr. John Howard, WTC Health Program Administrator, in a statement. .. “Their determination and health are further tested by the COVID-19 pandemic.”
No one is immune to the new coronavirus, and anyone who contracts it is at risk of developing a serious illness or even dying from it. However, the virus is known to cause great damage to people with comorbidities and disorders of the immune system.
Dr. Michael Crane, medical director of the WTC Health Program at Icahn School of Medicine in Mount Sinai, Manhattan, estimates that 40,000 people above ground have deteriorated health after the plane hit the tower in the years following 9/11. doing. Man One of the most common health problems faced by respondents is asthma. That condition alone can increase the risk of serious viral illness.
According to Crane, he estimates that at least 10,000 people have cancer associated with zero-field exposure to toxins, and more will be diagnosed in the future. People with cancer, regardless of age, are at increased risk of dying from COVID-19 because cancer and its treatment can weaken the immune system.
The pandemic said, “It’s a difficult time for everyone, especially for 9/11 responders and survivors. Almost 19 years later, the impact of the day is still felt. Challenges like COVID-19 are burdensome. We may join, “says Howard. May statement.
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