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Singles dealt with blockades better than unhappy people, studies show


Easy for single people to deal with Corona virus Blockade than those in unhappy relationships-but research has found that those in happy relationships were the best.

Experts at the University of Danube surveyed more than 1,000 Austrians a month to understand the link between relationship status and emotional status.

People in unhappy relationships are three times more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression Discovered by the team rather than a single or a happy couple.

Those who were happy with their relationship performed best of all groups and showed a more general level of mental health health than singles and unhappy couples.

The findings “emphasize the fact that not only in these cases, but especially in such cases, the choice of partner needs to be carefully considered,” the team wrote.

One person found it easier to deal with during the coronavirus blockade than the unhappy person-but research found that it was best for the happy person. did.  Stock image

One person found it easier to deal with during the coronavirus blockade than the unhappy person-but research found that it was best for the happy person. did. Stock image

As part of the study, Austrian researchers wanted to better understand the impact of catastrophes such as pandemics on mental health.

They evaluated some of the differences between general mental health and well-being measures during the Covid-19 pandemic and associated blockade measures.

With the rapid spread of Covid-19 around the world, most governments have enforced restrictions to prevent the uncontrollable spread of the virus.

Other measures, such as social distance and the use of personal protective equipment, have helped control the spread, but also have a negative impact on mental health, according to Austrian researchers.

However, there seemed to be a link between how seriously the virus affected someone’s mental health and the state of their relationship.

Those who were happy with their relationship performed best of all groups and showed a more general level of mental health health than singles and unhappy couples.  Stock image

Those who were happy with their relationship performed best of all groups and showed a more general level of mental health health than singles and unhappy couples. Stock image

An unrelated study in India found that married participants were 40% less likely to develop anxiety during lockdown than singles.

However, a US study found that disagreements can increase the risk of mood and anxiety disorders.

To understand the true impact of lockdown on relationships, researchers have created a study using several common psychological tools.

To assess relationships, they used a marriage quality assessment, and then those who responded to the survey using major stress, depression, anxiety, well-being, sleep quality, and quality of life tests. I understand the mental health of.

On all mental health scales, individuals with good relationships scored higher than individuals with poor or unrelated relationships.

Also, during a pandemic, the authors found that it was better not to have relationships than poor people, and found that singles had better mental health scores than unfortunate pairings. Did.

As the quality of the relationship declined, the prevalence of depressive symptoms increased-from 13% to 35%, indicating depression.

“The relationship itself was not related to improving mental health, but the quality of the relationship was essential,” the study authors write.

“The quality of good relationships was a protective factor, while the quality of poor relationships was a risk factor, compared to the case of no relationships.”

The study asked questions in six categories: relationship satisfaction, quality of life, well-being, perceived stress, depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms.

All mental health indicators-depression, anxiety, stress, well-being, sleep quality, and quality of life-were significantly different among the three relevant groups.

“We found clinically relevant differences depending on the quality of the relationship and the state of the relationship across all tested scales,” the team explained.

The team found that unhappy people are three times more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression than singles and happy couples.  Stock image

The team found that unhappy people are three times more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression than singles and happy couples. Stock image

“Individuals with good relationships had better mental health than individuals with poor or unrelated relationships.

“In addition, individuals with poor relationships have significantly reduced performance on all mental health scales.”

According to the team, the study is limited and it is better to study the same people before the coronavirus to cross-reference the changes that may be caused by the coronavirus.

“Therefore, we don’t know if the quality of relationships affected mental health, whether mental health affected the quality of relationships, or both,” they wrote.

Also, the sample is representative of age, gender, education, and region, but not a combination of these variables.

Only self-assessment scales were used to assess mental health without the usual additional clinical interviews or assessments.

This also made the interpretation of the results obtained from the relatively small sample size “ambiguous,” the team explained.

The survey results were published in the journal PLOS One..

Studies suggesting that loneliness can die

Studies suggest that a “death of loneliness” is possible.

A major study published in March 2018 suggests that social isolation can increase the chances of stroke by 39% and premature death by 50%.

Researchers have found that loneliness can increase the risk of a heart attack by more than 40%.

The analysis was based on the health records of 480,000 British people, making it the largest study of its kind.

People who already have cardiovascular problems are much more likely to die prematurely if isolated, suggesting the importance of family and friends to help with recovery.

A research team, including British scholars, said that lonely people had a higher incidence of chronic illness and smoking and showed symptoms of depression.


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