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Nantucket finds COVID-19 “community expansion” among merchants


The city of Nantucket has experienced a surge in COVID-19 incidents, with workers involved in construction, landscaping and cleaning sharing transportation to their workplaces, which has seen “expansion of the community.” Town officials and Nantucket Cottage Hospital said on Friday.

Seven new cases of coronavirus were reported on Wednesday, another seven were reported on Thursday, for a total of 77 cases in the town. statement On Friday, from Election Chairman Dawn Hill Holdgate.

“These are the highest number of cases ever seen on Nantucket Island in a short period of time,” Holdgate said. “This is not an unexpected situation, but due to the nature of the coronavirus, we expect a temporary increase in the number of cases over the next 10-14 days.”

Of these 14 new cases, a dozen were one of the inhabitants of Nantucket, most of whom worked in construction, carpentry, landscaping, painting, or cleaning. Another statement Friday is from Roberto Santa Maria, director of health and welfare services in the town, and Gary Shaw, chairman of Nantucket Cottage Hospital.

The town’s selection and health committees will meet on Monday at 10 am to consider imposing restrictions on some of these transactions, Holdgate said. The town also increased visits to construction and landscaping sites and health checks, she said.

The town will close Tom Nuver Park from dusk to dawn, during which time recreational spaces owned by other towns may be closed, Holdgate said. Police patrol those areas and ask visitors during that time to leave, she said.

According to Holdgate, evidence of community expansion in Nantucket “has retreated on our mission to curb the spread of COVID.”

Santa Maria and Shaw urged anyone contacted by the contact tracer to “answer questions in a complete and honest manner, cooperate with case investigations, and comply with all quarantine and quarantine procedures.”

“Contact tracing is one of the most powerful tools we have to prevent the spread of the virus in our population,” they said.

Authorities encouraged Nantucket residents to wear face masks in public, observe social distance practices, and avoid large gatherings.

“Cheer up the patriots on Sunday, but please do it with your family in person, rather than gathering in large groups or parties to watch the match,” said Santa Maria and Shaw.

Holdgate acknowledged that residents are being asked to make unpleasant sacrifices for public health.

“Now we need stamina and commitment. It’s difficult!” She said. “The result is even worse. There are too many illegal gatherings in certain public places. With this current surge, the lazy behavior of a few people is causing restrictions.”

Jeremy C. Fox [email protected].. Follow him on Twitter Azuki..

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