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Research that layered mask defeated face guard against COVID-19 State and world


Fort Lauderdale, Florida — More comfortable, but less functional.

According to two new studies at Florida Atlantic University, plastic face shields, neck gaiters, and masks with valves (three creative approaches to face cover since COVID-19 hit the United States) are coronavirus particles. Boca Raton is not very effective in suppressing the spread of plastic.

Researchers at Florida Atlantic Engineering have tested how well shields and some types of masks work on mannequins that have been mapped to simulated coughs and sneezes to identify pathways in the air.

Although some studies have shown the effectiveness of various face coverings, Florida Atlantic researchers used distilled water and glycerin to simulate the explosion of particles from the human mouth and laser. Used to provide impressive neon graphics that illuminate the tracks of droplets. They published their work in Physics of Fluids.

Here’s what they found:

Without a mask, the water droplets traveled over 8 feet, farther than the 6-foot distance guideline recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In the bandana, the droplets moved 3 feet 7 inches. Folded cotton handkerchief, 1 foot, 3 inches. Comes with a 2-layer mask of cotton quilted fabric consisting of 70 threads per inch and 2.5 inches. CVS surgical grade mask, about 8 inches. And if the N95 mask is properly attached, no water droplets will leak.

The plastic face shield blocked large droplets, but allowed small particles to be bolted from under the barrier and around its sides. It turns out that the neck gaiters are not a good obstacle either.

The vented mask has a disc that opens and closes when the wearer inhales and exhales, allowing the particles to tear freely.

Best protection was obtained from cotton masks with at least two layers of fabric, N95 masks and CVS surgical grade face covers.

Manhar Dhanak, a professor of marine mechanical engineering at Florida Atlantic University, says scientists will get answers to the problems we all face: how to protect ourselves from the coronavirus and stay fairly comfortable. And said.

“You are always thinking about how effective your mask is,” Danak said. “That was one of our motives.”

Danak said he was surprised to find particles escaping from double-layer masks and improper N95 masks that didn’t fit some wearers.

“It’s very important how well it fits on your face,” he said. “They can leak from the sides and gaps.”

To protect himself, Danak wears a nanofiber mask similar to the N95, but said it was “light and thin.”

Soon Florida Atlantic will have another drop barrier study. Danak sees how much new plexiglass separators in schools, checkout counters and workplaces actually protect the people behind the plastic. It will be released in the coming weeks.


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