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Restaurant Dining linked to Covid-19; Severe illness less common in gastrointestinal symptoms


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According to a US study, of the adults tested for coronavirus at 11 US healthcare facilities in July, infected people were about twice as likely to have eaten in restaurants in the last 14 days.

  • Reuters
  • Last updated: September 12, 2020 18:38 IS
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The following is a summary of some of the latest scientific research on the new coronavirus and efforts to find cures and vaccines for the virus-induced disease COVID-19.

Positive COVID-19 test related to restaurant meals

According to a US study, of the adults tested for coronavirus at 11 US healthcare facilities in July, infected people were about twice as likely to have eaten in restaurants in the last 14 days. Otherwise, the activity level was otherwise the same with or without COVID-19. This includes shopping, social gatherings at home, moving to offices, salons and gyms, using public transport, and attending religious gatherings. “The mask cannot be worn effectively while eating or drinking, but shopping and many other indoor activities do not prevent the use of the mask.” “On-site at locations that offer such options.” Eating and drinking can be an important risk factor associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, “they added.

Severe COVID-19 is less common in patients with GI symptoms

People with gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting associated with the new coronavirus may be significantly less likely to develop severe COVID-19 and die, a new study found. .. A New York City doctor examined 635 COVID-19 patients and predicted that the disease would worsen if the GI tube was involved. Surprisingly, patients with GI symptoms had 50% more severe COVID-19 and death odds than patients without GI symptoms, even after considering age, race, and underlying illness. It became low. Also, unexpectedly, patients with GI had low levels of inflammatory proteins in their blood. According to a paper submitted Wednesday to medRxiv, doctors said that a subset of intestinal tissue that had been scrutinized in the intestine had viral particles, but were relatively less inflamed and involved in the production of inflammatory proteins. Doctors have discovered that the activity of the gene is low. Dr. Saurab Mehandru of Aikhan Medical College on Mount Sinai told Reuters that a New York doctor collaborated with an Italian colleague to survey 287 COVID-19 patients in Milan, with GI involvement and less severe illness. Said that the relevance to is the same. Mehandru’s team also found that incorporating GI symptoms into early patient assessments could help identify people at risk for more serious illness.

Antibody binding may not “neutralize” the virus

The so-called spike proteins on the surface of the new coronavirus help cells invade and some antibodies that function during treatment work by attaching to and nullifying the spikes. However, in test-tube experiments, researchers found that binding to spike proteins was not always sufficient to “neutralize” the virus’s ability to enter cells. When they exposed coronavirus particles to plasma rich in antibodies recovering from 25 COVID-19, all antibodies attached to the spike protein. However, some plasma samples were unable to neutralize the virus and were less effective than the plasma of uninfected individuals. Researchers say the findings may help explain why convalescent plasma therapy does not always work. They did not use active virus particles in the experiment. Still, Andrés Finzi, a research leader at the University of Montreal, emphasized to Reuters that he needs to learn more about the different shapes that spike proteins can take when the virus invades cells and how to block them. “Efforts to better understand the association between antibody interactions with spike proteins and viral neutralization may help ongoing vaccine efforts aimed at eliciting neutralizing antibodies,” the researchers said. , Concludes in a paper submitted to bioRxiv on Tuesday prior to peer review.

The new system groups hospitalized COVID-19 patients by risk

A simple 21-point scoring system reported by British researchers at the BMJ on Wednesday will help assign inpatient COVID-19 patients to different risk groups. “You don’t need an app or other technology to score. If you can’t count up to 21 in your head, you’re probably beyond a pen or pencil,” Dr. Calum Semple of the University of Liverpool told Reuters. The score takes into account eight factors, including age, other illnesses, kidney health, and blood oxygen levels. Based on the results, patients will be assigned to one of four groups. The risk of death from COVID-19 is 1% in the low-risk group, 10% in the medium-risk group, 31% in the high-risk group, and 62% in the very high-risk group. The ISARIC Coronavirus Clinical characterization Consortium has developed a “4C” scoring system using data from 35,463 patients and verified its accuracy in another 22,361 patients. As pressure on healthcare services increases, it becomes especially important to be able to identify patients who are most likely to require escalated care, Semple said in a news release. This tool is online at


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