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Should I get a flu shot in 2020? This year may be more important than ever


The CDC says it is more important than ever for people to be vaccinated against the flu, as the COVID-19 virus still affects many parts of the country.

Influenza vaccination will be important for everyone in 2020, but it is important to know when and where it can be done safely.

In August, Some North Texas doctors said They are preparing for the potentially busy fall season, addressing coronavirus, influenza and West Nile virus.

Officials at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention say that both the influenza virus and the virus that causes COVID-19 are likely to spread this fall and winter.

When to get a flu shot

The CDC recommends that you get the flu vaccine as early as possible during the flu season. After vaccination, it takes about two weeks for the antibodies to develop in the body and protect against the flu.

Due to COVID-19 factors, the CDC’s recommendations regarding the timing of vaccination during this flu season remain unchanged. September and October are good times to be vaccinated.

Early vaccination, especially for the elderly, may be associated with reduced protection against influenza infection later in the flu season.

Who should get the flu vaccine

Vaccination should continue to be provided after January throughout the flu season. Needed children 2 doses Of the vaccines protected, the vaccination process should be started earlier, as the two doses should be given at least 4 weeks apart.

For the flu season from 2020 to 2021, the CDC Advisory Board on Immunization Practices We recommend annual influenza vaccination for all people over 6 months.

What does a flu shot do?

There is Many vaccine options Choose from flu vaccinations, nasal spray flu vaccines, flu vaccinations with jet injectors, and more.

According to the CDC, the flu vaccine produces antibodies in the body about two weeks after vaccination. These antibodies provide protection against viral infections used in the production of vaccines.

The seasonal flu vaccine protects against the flu virus. Studies show that the flu virus will be the most common in the next season. Most influenza vaccines in the United States protect against four different influenza viruses: influenza A (H1N1) virus, influenza A (H3N2) virus, and two influenza B viruses.

According to the CDC, millions of people are infected with the flu each year, hundreds of thousands are hospitalized, and thousands to tens of thousands die each year from influenza-related causes.

Vaccination has shown a lot advantage This includes reducing the risk of flu illness, hospitalization, and even death of children associated with the flu.

Get flu shot during a pandemic

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be necessary to change where and how the flu vaccine is given. The CDC works with healthcare providers, state and local health departments to develop emergency response plans, COVID-19 Guidance Plan Vaccination site.

According to the CDC, vaccination this season may not be possible due to the difficulty of maintaining social distance in some environments that normally provide influenza vaccines, such as at work.

For the 2020-21 season, manufacturers predict that they will provide 191.44 million to 1.98 million influenza vaccines.

Due to the record number of influenza vaccine doses, the CDC says it will take longer to manufacture and distribute the vaccine.

What is the difference between influenza and COVID-19?

Both influenza and COVID-19 are infectious respiratory diseases, but they are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by infection with a new coronavirus (called SARS-CoV-2), which causes influenza Influenza virus..

Some of the symptoms of influenza and COVID-19 are similar, so it can be difficult to tell the difference based solely on the symptoms. You may need tests to help confirm your diagnosis.

More is being learned daily, but there are still many unclear points about COVID-19 and the viruses that cause it. CDC created table I am comparing COVID-19 with influenza.

According to the CDC, you may have influenza and COVID-19 at the same time.

CDC has developed tests to check for A and B type seasonal influenza viruses, along with SARS CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. This test is used by the US Public Health Institute.

There is no evidence that vaccination against influenza increases the risk of coronavirus illnesses that cause COVID-19.

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