Dry summers in the northeast bring blessed relief from stinging insects
Many people have spent more time outdoors during the pandemic, and fortunately there were fewer bugs around to bite them.
The dry weather in the northeast has dramatically reduced the bitterness of mosquitoes and mites this summer, officials said. This has led to the expected reduction in bug-borne diseases.
In Maine, the number of preliminary cases of Lyme disease by September 7 was 626, well below the record of 2,167 cases recorded in 2019. So far, similar reductions have been seen in the other two tick-borne diseases, anaplasmosis and babesiosis.
Same as above for mosquitoes. According to the state, fewer people were caught in traps this summer.
“We have time to go out into the woods and have less to bite you,” said state entomologist Alison Canoti. “For us, it’s a great vacation.”
Lyme disease is caused by bacteria carried by infected deer mites. It is often accompanied by a rash called “bullseye” because of its shape. Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, fatigue, and muscle and joint pain.
Griffin Dill, coordinator of Tick Labs at Maine State University’s Co-Extension, said the mite surge in early summer made this year look like a terrible year, but it changed because of the hot and humid weather. Stated.
By the end of the summer, workers who were actively looking for ticks couldn’t find them, he said.
This trend is pervasive in other parts of New England. Vermont also saw fewer mites during its surveillance activities this spring and fewer mosquitoes this summer. The same is true for New Hampshire.
“This year’s numbers are about 42% lower than last year’s numbers,” said Patty Casey of the Vermont Agricultural Department about mosquitoes. Neither Maine nor Vermont have recorded mosquito West Nile virus or Eastern equine encephalitis so far this year.
“It looks like 2020 is one good thing we’re doing for us,” Casey said.
Abigail Matthewson, a public health veterinarian in New Hampshire, said he believes the number of deer mites and the number of mosquitoes that cause equine encephalitis are decreasing. The reason, she said, is lack of water.
A very dry and hot summer caused severe droughts in northern Maine and most of New Hampshire. Drought kills ticks or puts them deeper into moist leaf debris.
The reduction in horse encephalitis is a result of the small number of puddles and ponds for mosquitoes to breed. In addition, even the West Nile, which is caused by mosquitoes that require less water to breed, is declining.
However, the lack of bugs, especially ticks, is short-lived. If it rains, the waves could rise again, but experts say it’s unlikely to reach last year’s numbers.
“There is still time during this period between the snow covering the ground and the potential for ticks,” Mathewson said. “If the drought is mitigated, these mites could grow even more.”
Associated Press reporters Montpelier, Lisa Lasque of Vermont, and Michael Casey of Boston contributed to the report.
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