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The COVID-19 pandemic makes regular flu shots even more important, according to Utah doctors


Ogden • As if COVID-19 wasn’t enough, the flu season is approaching, I’m already worried about all my coughs, and I’m more worried about sneezing.

Is it a sore throat caused by influenza or COVID-19? How about those pains?

Therefore, Utah health officials are more than ever demanding that the general public be vaccinated against the flu.

“It’s more important than ever to get a flu shot this season!” said Phillipus, chief medical officer at the Ogden Regional Medical Center.

The added urgency arises, in part, from the symptoms shared by the illness and concerns about confusing them.

“Many of the symptoms of influenza and COVID-19 are similar, and it can be difficult to determine which infectious disease a person has,” said Intermountain Healthcare’s regional health and preventive health care manager. One Tamara Sheffield said. “Symptoms common to the two infections are dry cough, fever and chills, tiredness, and malaise. People with COVID-19 may experience shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and loss of taste and odor. However, people with influenza rarely have symptoms. Headaches are more common with influenza than COVID-19. Both may show symptoms of sore throat, nasal discharge, stuffy nose, or diarrhea. “

In addition, vaccination will reduce the outbreak of influenza, reduce the number of hospitalizations required for the disease, and secure medical resources to deal with cases of COVID-19, Ruth said.

Sheffield said the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is calling for a dramatic increase in influenza vaccines nationwide. The Intermountain Healthcare facility is preparing the stanchions accordingly. McKay-Dee Hospital in Ogden is a mountain medical facility.

“We are being asked to vaccinate hundreds of thousands of people in Utah with the flu,” Sheffield said. To do so, “Intermountain Healthcare Clinics and Pharmacies are ordering additional vaccines and creating long-term vaccination clinics and drive events to provide as many flu vaccines as possible to our community. . “

There are already signs outside the pharmacies that offer flu shots. A drive-through clinic is scheduled for October 1, according to department spokeswoman Lori Butters, and the general public will call the Weber Morgan Health Department (801-399-7252) to book a shoot. You can take it.

However, influenza surveillance begins in earnest in early October, with seasonal cases usually peaking in January or February, which could be around, according to a Davis County Health Department spokesman. One Trevor Warner said. “The important message we want people to understand is that we need to get the flu shot every time a COVID-19 vaccination becomes available,” Warner said. Said.

Ruth said Utah’s Ministry of Health guidelines call for people with COVID-19 and flu-like symptoms to be tested for COVID-19 as a precautionary measure. At the same time, Warner pointed out that it can be difficult to distinguish between illnesses without testing.

“Repeat, stay home in case of illness. Treat flu-like symptoms such as they are COVID-19 and ensure that all precautions outlined by the Ministry of Health are followed. Please. This includes up to 14 days of self-separation.

Sheffield has announced that the CDC will soon provide more detailed guidance on fighting the flu in the COVID-19 pandemic. The CDC already has a wealth of information online that distinguishes influenza from COVID-19.

Health experts continue to recommend keeping social distances, washing hands frequently, and using something that covers your face to prevent COVID-19.

According to data from the Weber-Morgan Health Department, the number of COVID-19 cases in Weber and Morgan counties totaled 176 in the week leading up to last Saturday, down from 206 last week. Since early August, the weekly number of cases has fluctuated between 150 and 206, which is significantly different from the weekly peak of 413 until July 18.

Similarly, the weekly number of cases in Davis County settled below the weekly peak of 438 until July 18. Saturday.

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