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London-5 new coronavirus cases in Middlesex, no new recovery-London


London-Middlesex hits a total of 750 confirmed cases of novels Corona virus After 5 new cases were added on Sunday.

This includes 678 collections, unchanged from the previous day.

The death toll has remained at 57 since June 12.

At least 15 COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears The case remains active in the region.

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According to data from the Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU), all five new cases are from the City of London. They are all male and four are in their twenties. Others are in his 60s. There are no health care workers.

At least 694 cases in the region have been reported in London, 26 in Strathroy-Caradoc and 12 in the Middlesex Center. There were 7 cases at Thames Center, 6 cases at North Middlesex, 4 cases at Lucan Biddulph, and 1 case at Southwest Middlesex.

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As of Sunday, there were 147.8 cases per 100,000 cases in the region and 298.0 cases in Ontario.

People in their twenties are still the largest case cohort with 164 cases, or about 21.9%. There are 113 cases in their 50s and 108 cases in their 80s and older.

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At least 28 outbreaks have been declared during the pandemic, 22 of which occur in local geriatric facilities. Outbreaks have been associated with 192 incidents and 37 deaths in the area.

According to the Health Unit, the latest outbreak was declared on September 9th on the 4th floor of the Chelsea Park retirement community. It is still active as of Sunday.

According to the health unit, at least 115 people were hospitalized during the pandemic, 32 of whom were hospitalized in the intensive care unit.

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In rural areas Ontario reported 204 new cases Brings the number of new coronaviruses on Sunday, a total of 44,504 cases.

The state has reported more than 200 cases for the third consecutive day.

In addition, one new death was announced, bringing the death toll to 2,815.

A total of 39,841 cases are considered resolved. This is 89.5% of all confirmed cases.

Health Minister Christine Elliott said 27 public health departments reported less than 5 cases and 16 did not report new cases.

Elgin and Oxford

Southwestern Public Health (SWPH) officials did not report new cases or recovery of the new coronavirus on Sunday.

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This keeps the total number of cases in the region at 256 and the number of recovery at 248.

Five people in the area have died and haven’t changed since July 3.

There are three active cases in the area, one is Bayham and two are Woodstock.

Health unit figures include two men in the case, one in their 50s, the other in their 60s, and one woman in their 20s.

According to authorities, one individual was infected by exposure at work. The other two sources are unknown.

Two of the cases are in the hospital and one is in the ICU.

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Aylmer reported the most of the 82 cases overall during the pandemic.

In other regions, Bayham reported 38 cases, St. Thomas reported 37, Tillsonburg 25 and Woodstock 24.

At least 102 of the regional cases are associated with close contact with another case, and 38 are due to workplace exposure.

Twenty-seven are healthcare professionals, 23 are travel, 13 are social gatherings, and one is facility resident.

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55 cases are listed as having “unknown” exposure sources.

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Huron and Perth

Huron Perth Public Health does not update coronavirus cases over the weekend.

The total number of cases in the area on Friday was 124, with 117 recovering. Five people have died.

There are two known active cases in the area.

At least 45 cases have been reported in Perth County, of which 16 have been reported in northern Perth and 15 in eastern Perth.

In other regions, at least 44 cases have been reported in Huron County, of which 13 are Central Huron, 12 are Bluewater and 10 are South Huron.

In Stratford, 29 cases have been reported, with 4 dead, while in St. Mary’s, 6 cases and 1 death have been reported.

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The 20s are the largest number of cases at the age of 26, followed by the 50s and 60s at the age of 22 respectively.

55% of cases involve women and girls.

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Sarnia and Lambton

One new case of COVID-19 was reported late Saturday by Lambton public health officials.

Currently, there are 343 cases, 314 recovery and 25 deaths. The most recent death was reported in early June.

At least four cases continue to be active in the region. The location of the case is unclear as the health unit refused to disclose the location.

There are currently no outbreaks, but a total of 10 have been reported. There are 8 cases at homes of the elderly, 1 case at Bluewater Health, and 1 case at unspecified workplaces. Sixteen people died from these outbreaks.

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According to health unit figures, 41% of cases are due to close contact with confirmed cases, 34% are associated with outbreaks, and 23% have “unknown” sources. I will. 2% are travel related.

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At least 57% of cases involve women and girls. 18% of all cases are listed as healthcare professionals.

People over the age of 80 account for 22% of cases, followed by people in their 50s at 15% and people in their 20s at 14%.

The Health Unit states that at least 24,672 tests were received late Saturday and at least 1.4% of the tests returned positive.

— Files from Global News Sawyer Bogdan and Ryan Rocca

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