Health officials urge citizens to remember the flu vaccine in the COVID-19 pandemic
Charleston, W.Va. — Despite the COVID-19 pandemic masking many health problems this year, state health officials are calling on citizens throughout West Virginia to get the flu vaccine.
of West Virginia Immunization Network (WIN) is worried about seasonal influenza, a contagious respiratory disease that causes pandemic illness, hospitalization, and death. It is highly active from December to February and the seasons change from autumn to late winter.
WIN is worried about the effects of the flu in a news release as COVID-19 and similar symptoms between two infectious diseases such as fever, cough, chills, body pain, nasal discharge and headache are progressing. The season of the community suffering from COVID-19.
Dr. Shelley Young of the Kanawa Charleston Health Department (KCHD) said at a recent press conference that there are differences between influenza and COVID-19, both of which need to be taken seriously.
“Treatment is different. We have the ability to prevent influenza, but not the excellent ability to prevent COVID. We wear masks, maintain social distance, and reduce the spread that means following the protocol. You can. Young needs to be careful not to have two problems at the same time. “
According to Young, her health department shipped the vaccine for the first time in the past week and placed more than 10,000 orders. According to Young, all doses are free, except for stronger, high-dose shots given to people over the age of 65.
Elainderling, senior program director at Center Formal Health Development, told Metro News that healthcare providers such as KCHD are stockpiling the flu vaccine.
“This is to go to your healthcare provider, health department, community health center, school-based health clinic, or pharmacy and get a flu shot before you see the flu circulate in our community. This is a great opportunity, “Darling said.
Darling noted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that influenza has caused 140,000 to 810,000 hospitalizations and 12,000 to 61,000 deaths each year in the United States since 2010.
She said 50 percent of West Virginia people were vaccinated during the last flu season
“Approximately half of the population was vaccinated against the flu last season, and we hope to improve this year to prevent the flu epidemic throughout the community during COVID-19,” Darling said. Said.
Many healthcare providers are changing the way influenza vaccinations are given due to the restrictions imposed by COVID-19, and KCHD is no exception.
“We went to different schools and held community events before we entered different businesses. Now it’s different in the face of COVID. We need to be socially distant, You need to be protected and you need to wear a mask. You need to make sure that you have these guarantees so that you can be safely vaccinated against the flu, “Young said.
For those who lost their insurance due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Darling said federal programs like vaccines for children are available. A federal program provides vaccines to uninsured, underinsured, Medicaid-eligible, American Indian, or Alaskan Native children under the age of 18.
If you need help finding a local health care provider participating in a VFC program, ask your child’s health care provider or contact your local health department.
WVIN is a state-wide coalition of more than 400 public and private sector members working to protect West Virginia from vaccine-preventable diseases. The Rural Health Development Center will act as the initiative for WIN.
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