Singapore distributes Covid’s contact tracking token
The Government of Singapore has begun distributing Bluetooth contact tracking tokens to 5 million residents.
The strap can be worn or carried around the strap, but it’s a hardware version of the existing contact tracking app released in March.
Like the app, it uses Bluetooth to look for other users’ devices and record their contacts with those devices.
It may be popular with people who do not have access to apps or smartphones.
The Ministry of Health says it will help them make efforts to tackle the Covid-19 epidemic easier and restart the economy further.
Tokens say they can help resume “large” business events such as meetings and improve tracking in high-risk environments such as busy hotels, cinemas and gyms.
The first rollouts are occurring in areas where the health risks of Covid-19 are high and the elderly are less likely to own a smartphone.
However, tokens can be used by all citizens, including foreigners.
Residents of Singapore are currently checking in to shops and office buildings using another SafeEntry system that uses a QR code to log the user’s presence.
Some high-risk activities also require an app or token to check in with SafeEntry.
Is it good for privacy?
A consultant tapped by a government tech agency to provide feedback on tokens said it was a better option for those concerned about privacy.
“I want to use tokens instead of apps,” said Bunny fans who lined up on the first day of getting the tokens.
Similar to the app, the information is stored in the token, deleted regularly and uploaded to the Ministry of Health only if the user determines positive (if the token is physically passed).
Tokens can be carried in straps or bags without the need to run a smartphone.
- Coronavirus: England and Wales contact tracking app gets release date
- TraceTogether: Singapore turns into wearable contact trace Covid technology
Huang says the advantage of the hardware-only version is that software updates make it impossible for location data and other sensors to be turned on illegally without the user’s knowledge.
“If you have a token, if you want to get rid of it, you know how to destroy it,” he said.
The token will also help cover those who don’t have a smartphone or have functional issues with the app, he said.
Apps around the world
Singapore was the first government to introduce a contact tracking app nationwide in March.
Since then, about 2.4 million people have downloaded the app, and in August about 1.4 million people used the app.
Singapore government figures have long acknowledged that these numbers need to be increased in order for apps and tokens to be effective.
However, the Ministry of Health said the program would help reduce the time it takes to identify and isolate close contact in Covid-19 cases from four days to two days.
City states are more enthusiastic about contact tracking apps than many other countries and are either late in deploying the apps or struggling to make good use of them.
For example, the UK and Wales will not showcase the app until later this month, but Australia is struggling to get information from the app that regular contact tracking couldn’t.
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