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China states that Covid-19 does not need to be vaccinated against the entire population at this stage, only front-line workers need to be vaccinated. World / nation


Not everyone in China needs to be vaccinated against Covid-19, according to top Chinese healthcare professionals, Beijing aims to prioritize front-line workers and high-risk populations ing. Virus.

“China has already overcome the effects of Covid-19 several times since the first wave of Covid-19 in Wuhan,” said Gao Fu, director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), according to the state news agency. And Shenzhen City on Saturday China news service..

The problem of vaccination of the public is one of balancing “risk and benefit”, pointing out factors such as cost and potential side effects. Currently, there is no need for mass vaccination at this stage, but the situation could change in the event of another serious outbreak, Gao said.

This policy characterizes China, with the exception of many Western governments, especially Australia, which outline plans to introduce high-volume public vaccination.

Virus numbers reported in China have remained low since spring. There were some flare-ups-a cluster in northeastern Jilin in May, an outbreak in Beijing in June, and another cluster in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in July, but these were immediate blockades. Filled with large-scale testing, outbreaks were suppressed within a few weeks.

Mr. Gao cited these short outbreaks as evidence of China’s effective containment measures. “The facts have proved that we have some magical weapons to keep up with the epidemic,” he said, according to a Chinese news service.

Potential vaccines would instead be prioritized for front-line people, he added: like healthcare professionals, Chinese citizens working abroad in virus host pots, and restaurants, schools or cleaning services. People who work in a dense, high-risk environment.

Saturday, China National Health Commission Only 10 cases with newly confirmed symptoms were recorded, all imported from overseas. In addition, 70 new asymptomatic cases have been reported, which are individually counted and all imported.

CNN has contacted NHC for further comment.

Global competition for vaccines

According to the 2018-2022 China Human Vaccine Industry Report, China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of vaccines, delivering more than 1 billion vaccines each year from 40 manufacturers nationwide.

Of the more than 30 vaccines currently being tested worldwide, nine are from China, most of which are from any country. In addition, four of the nine vaccine candidates in late-stage trials are being developed by a Chinese company.

Just last week, the University of Hong Kong Announced Approved clinical trials of nasal spray vaccine developed in collaboration with researchers in mainland China.

China is already promoting some vaccines before their effectiveness is fully proven. In late June The country has approved an vaccine for use by the military. And since July China is using different vaccines for people engaged in “high-risk” jobs, such as health care professionals and border guards. Neither vaccine has completed Phase 3 trials.

The same is true for other countries. The Indian health minister said on Sunday that the government was considering granting urgent approval to Covid-19 vaccine candidates before the completion of the Phase 3 trial.

According to the state-owned tabloid, Gao himself was injected with an vaccine in July in a move “intended to increase public confidence in the vaccine.” Global Times.

Experts have previously said that precautionary measures are important for countries such as China, where the proportion of infected people in the population is relatively low due to strict containment measures.

“Overall immunity is very low, so vaccination is definitely the way forward in these places.” Ivan Han said, Infectious disease specialist at the University of Hong Kong School of Medicine in late August.

But Gao warned on Saturday that vaccine development is still underway and there is a risk of fewer side effects.

“Because no Covid-19 vaccine has been developed so far, this case is the first case in the family, and like the other first cases, it is ADE (Antibody Dependent). May induce effects. ”According to the Global Times.

ADE is when certain antibodies help the virus enter and replicate cells-basically when treatment exacerbates the disease.

“Scientific research is a very rigorous process. We need to give scientists a little more time,” he added.

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