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Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia: New Studies Offer Another Reason for Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene


Researchers studying the causes of Alzheimer’s disease have identified the amyloid and tau proteins that actually accumulate in the brain.

But Dr. Diana Kirwin, A geriatric specialist at Texas Health Press Vitalian Hospital, said it has not yet been able to determine what initiates that cascade and begins to accumulate in brain tissue.

“And look at something like an infectious disease Cause In fact, it’s been around for about 10 years, but it’s actually in the background, “Karwin said. “And it hasn’t been in the last two to three years that the specific protein actually called has been identified. Zingibain It is related to periodontal disease. And it has a link to the amyloid protein that accumulates in the brain. “

Interview highlights

About research

  • This started with patients with Down Syndrome. They found that patients suffering from periodontal disease were at increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and Down’s syndrome. So someone started to dig a little deeper into it.
  • Second, because older and older patients are at increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, more observational studies have examined periodontal health. They began to notice an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease when you saw patients with periodontal disease or periodontal disease problems.

Did gum disease occur before or after dementia?

Periodontal disease does not occur after the patient develops memory loss or dementia, and memory loss or dementia. This has happened before. So we think it is part of the cause rather than the effect of the disease itself.

Is gum disease common to the elderly?

  • Periodontal disease is common among several age groups. For older patients, it becomes even more difficult depending on their adequate dental care and their ability to keep up with their teeth.
  • In addition, many older patients are receiving medication that causes dry mouth, which can worsen the health of the gums and tissues in the mouth.
  • But I think this is likely to happen to patients, even though they still have the ability to maintain oral hygiene. I just couldn’t tell people how important it was.

Need for further research?

  • There is some early evidence that there seems to be a direct cause between periodontal disease and Alzheimer’s disease, but it is early and is being considered.
  • At this point, there is no doubt that poor gum health or periodontal disease increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, especially if tooth cleaning and gum health have not improved.
  • It’s definitely a risk factor. Looking at how you can keep your brain healthy, it seems that parts of your brain also maintain general health. And part of it is gum and oral hygiene.


Large studies link gum disease to dementia

NIH: Periodontal disease in the elderly

Harvard Health: Mouth Aging-And How to Keep It Younger

The highlights of the interview have been light-edited for clarity.

Do you have a hint? Send an email to Sam Baker [email protected].. Sam can follow on Twitter @srbkera..

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