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LA coronavirus hospitalization drops to April levels, but the virus is still “spread,” officials say


Angels County health officials announced new 11 Coronavirus Died on Sunday pointing to reduced hospitalization Numbers Seen in April.

Authorities reported 793 confirmed cases currently hospitalized, 35% of whom received intensive care.

According to LA’s COVID-19, county-wide hospitalizations have been declining gradually since late July, reflecting figures seen this spring. Surveillance dashboard.. The number of inpatients has declined from about 1,000 new hospitalizations daily just a few weeks ago.

ロサンゼルス郡の保健当局は、日曜日に11名の新たなコロナウイルスによる死亡が発表され、入院が4月に見られた数値に低下したことを指摘しています。<br data-cke-eol ="1" data-recalc-dims=(Los Angeles Times via Irfan Khan / Getty Images) “/>

Health officials in Los Angeles County announced 11 new deaths from the coronavirus on Sunday, demonstrating the decline in hospitalizations seen in April.
(Los Angeles Times via Irrfan Khan / Getty Images)

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“Reducing daily hospitalizations is an important indicator, which is an accurate representation of the number of people who are currently seriously ill with the virus,” the health authorities wrote. news release..

Despite improvements in numbers, the virus is still widespread in the county, with a total of at least 253,985 positive cases and 6,208 deaths confirmed, officials said. Los Angeles County has far more positive cases than all other counties in the state, with Riverside County second in about 55,000 cases per state. data..

“We would like to extend our deepest condolences to family and friends who are saddened by the death of their loved ones due to COVID-19,” said Barbara Ferrer, director of public health in LA County, in a news release. We’ll get to many business sectors and places to reopen schools, but to do so, everyone needs to play their part in order to minimize the spread of COVID-19 to others. . “

Of the 11 newly reported deaths, 4 were over 80 years of age, another 4 were 65-79, 2 were 50-64, and 30-49, respectively. Nine of the 11 deaths had underlying illness, and 92% of the total had underlying illness, officials said.

For health guidance for COVID-19 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention here..

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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