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It’s here to book a coronavirus test as a surge in demand leads to a shortage of locals


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Only symptomatic individuals should arrange for the test to be performed (Photo: ADRIAN DENNIS / AFP via Getty Images)

Demand for the Covid-19 test has skyrocketed in the last few weeks, with many struggling to book the test and reports of people being asked to travel hundreds of miles to take the test. There is.

Secretary of Health Matt Hancock states that taking the Covid-19 test for asymptomatic people is a major reason for the mass shortage affecting the UK.

So who is the test subject? When do I need to get it? This is what you need to know.

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Who should book the Covid-19 test?

If you have coronavirus symptoms, you should be tested as soon as possible within 5 days of the symptoms.

You can take the test at the test site or at home 1 to 4 days after the onset of symptoms.

If you order a home test kit on the 4th day of your symptoms, you must order it before 3 pm.

If you are on the 5th day of symptoms, you should go to the test site as it is too late to order a home test kit at this point.

With a few exceptions, there must be symptoms to schedule a test.

The government website that was used to book tests online has recently changed to clarify who can and cannot take the test.

The website states, “Only take the test if you have symptoms of the coronavirus or are asked to take the test.”

You will then be asked to check one of the following boxes:

  • Symptoms of coronavirus (I’m not a mandatory worker)
  • I have symptoms of coronavirus (I am a mandatory worker)
  • I’m ordering a roommate with coronavirus symptoms
  • I contacted someone who tested positive for coronavirus and then had symptoms.

The only reasons you can run the test without symptoms are:

  • Invited to join a “Professional Visiting” pilot-visit the care house at least twice a week, often within 1 meter of the resident (see only parts of England)
  • Contacted a coronavirus-positive person and asked to be tested by a contact tracer (Northern Ireland and Scotland only)
  • Your local council asked you to take a test

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare FactCheck: “If you have any symptoms of coronavirus, or if you are asked to be tested by a clinician or local government, we were always clear and you need to apply for it.

“Our ability is the best we’ve ever had, but there’s a great demand for testing, so we’ll simplify the booking process, update our guidance, and qualify for the test if we’re not symptomatic of coronavirus and aren’t asked. I made it clear that there was no virus.

Do I need to book a test before going on vacation?

Some destinations state that proof of negative Covid-19 test results is required prior to entry, but this must be done personally, not through the NHS. The NHS does not provide travel-related coronavirus testing.

Some private healthcare facilities offer private Covid-19 tests. Mayfield Clinic We provide medical packages that are “suitable for flying”.

This package offers Covid-19 swab tests and GP certification, with results delivered within 48-72 hours. The Mayfield Clinic states that the service “meets the requirements for international travel.”

The price for non-members is £ 285.

In addition, private healthcare providers Bupa We provide antibody tests. This is a blood test that lets you know if you have had a coronavirus before.

You can book online at Bupa-the test costs £ 65.

Keep in mind that having one Covid-19 does not mean that you are immune to the virus.

Can I book another person’s test?

You can also take the test if the person living with you has symptoms, but do not take the test if the person living with you has no symptoms.

You can order tests for up to 3 people if other people living with you have symptoms.

If you apply for someone over the age of 13, you need to make sure they are happy to arrange for you their test.

While the symptoms of the coronavirus are occurring, and while waiting for tests and results, they need to be self-isolated to reduce the risk of spreading the virus to others.

Anyone you live in must be at home.

What symptoms do I need to be aware of?

If you’re worried about the potential of Covid-19, there are three main symptoms to watch out for.

  • high temperature
  • New continuous cough
  • Loss or change of smell or taste

How do I take the test?

Depending on how long you are experiencing symptoms, you can use the home test kit to perform the test at the test site or at home.

Due to the limited number of homekit and face-to-face tests available at one time, if you try to book one, you may not have a reservation or kit.

In that case, more appointments will be available during the day and you will have to try again at another time.

If you have problems using the online service, you can contact the helpline for assistance.

Do not call the helpline if no tests are available. Tests cannot be provided. The helpline is for people who have problems using the website.

The number is 0 300 303 27 13 in Scotland. The line is open from 7 am to 11 pm.

In the United Kingdom, Wales and Northern Ireland, that number is 119.

How long does it take to get results?

The government website aims to return test results within 48 hours of taking a cotton swab and within 72 hours of a home test.

Once the test is complete, the person living with you should isolate yourself until results are available.

You will receive a text or email when the results are ready.

There are three types of results you can get.

  • Negative, that is, no coronavirus
  • Positive, that is, infected with coronavirus
  • Unclear, invalid, borderline, or inconclusive, that is, it is not possible to determine if you had the coronavirus at the time of testing

If you do not take the definitive test, you should arrange for another coronavirus test as soon as possible while continuing to self-isolate.

The version of this article originally appeared in sister titles Scottsman

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