Fish and Pescetarian Twist is the perfect diet for heart health
If you design an ideal diet plan for a healthy heart, much evidence suggests it’s Pesco.Mediterranean diet every day Intermittent fasting A group of built-in doctors declared this week.
It’s a plant-rich, olive-oil-lubricated Mediterranean diet that most people are familiar with, but it focuses on seafood as the main source of animal protein.
There are many benefits to this style of diet, especially when it comes to long-term cardiovascular health and longevity, the authors write: Study reviewPublished Monday in the Journal of the American Heart Association.
It also solves the “omnivorous animal dilemma”. When you can eat something, what is good for you, and what is delicious and sustainable over the long term, just as humans can eat?
Dr. James O’Keefe, lead author of a paper at the Mid-American Heart Institute in St. Luke, Kansas City, Missouri, and head of preventive cardiology, said “junkie,” rich in processed meats, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fats. He said it was not a Western food.
Vegan diet He pointed out that while it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, it can cause bone and muscle weakness, or anemia.
Enter a Pesco-Mediterranean meal that O’keeffe himself follows.
“It’s full, fun, delicious, and very healthy,” O’Keefe said today.
When it comes to adding intermittent fasting to the mix, he and his colleagues said, “Science is robust enough to support it as healthy.”
Plant-based diet
traditional Mediterranean dietary style Called the “gold standard for cardiovascular health,” a diet rich in plants, primarily with many fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, seeds and nuts. Olive oil is the main source of fat, but red and processed meats are rarely consumed.
Numerous studies and randomized clinical trials have found that this diet has a low risk of premature death from heart disease and the development of coronary heart disease, the authors said.
Your diet should include at least 3 servings of vegetables and 2 or more servings of fruit per day.
Fish and seafood
The Pescetarian diet (part of the “Pesco” diet plan approved in this paper) is still a plant-rich diet, but seafood is used as the main source of meat. Fish is a high-quality, full-bodied protein that helps build muscle and bone mass. It provides vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that may be deficient in vegetarian and vegan diets.
“I felt it was worth a particular part of the title,” O’Keefe said, as it has been shown that regular intake of fish can reduce cardiovascular risk.
The goal is to eat seafood at least three times a week. Choose Low mercury fish Salmon, sardines, trout, herring, anchovies, etc. Avoid burning or baking fish during cooking. The authors warn that carcinogenic compounds may be introduced.
Lots of fish Omega-3Lisa Young, a New York-registered dietitian and author of “Finally Full, Final Slim,” agrees that it is a better source of protein than beef and chicken because it is low in saturated fat and medium in calories. Did.
The study found that mortality from coronary artery disease was 34% lower in pescatarians than in normal meat eaters, the authors said.
The liberal use of extra virgin olive oil is an important part of the Mediterranean diet. Studies have shown that it is important to choose high quality oils made from cold pressed olives, a process that retains strong antioxidants and produces products equivalent to “pure olive juice”.
The authors recommended eating at least four EVOOs a day, which can be used for salad dressing and light meals.
“In our home, we don’t even think about limiting the amount of olive oil. We use it as much as we need and it takes about a week a week. Only my wife and I,” Keef said.
However, Young warned most people of going outboard with elixir.
“You can’t add a bottle of olive oil to a typical American diet,” Young warned. “If you’re eating full-fat cheese, meat, fried food, or croutons, you probably don’t want to pour a bottle of olive oil over it.”
Eggs and dairy products
A pesco-Mediterranean diet allows for egg intake, but there are no restrictions on egg whites, but no more than 5 eggs per week is desirable. We also carefully allow the fermentation of low-fat versions of dairy products such as yogurt, kefir and soft cheese.
Nuts and legumes
Nuts packed with unsaturated fats, fiber, protein, and nutrients are “one of the most effective foods for improving long-term health,” the study says. They are filled so as not to promote weight gain. Young recommended replacing candy bars and other typical afternoon snacks with a handful of nuts.
Eating legumes is associated with improving blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.
Young recommended eating a variety of both foods to capture the most nutrients: many legumes such as mixed nuts, chickpeas, lentils, and split pieces.
Serve 1 ounce of nuts daily and 3 or more servings of legumes per week.
The main beverage in this diet is water-still carbonated, or used in the production of tea or coffee. It can be flavored, but it cannot be sweetened. Dry red wine is carefully allowed. Take up to 1 cup daily for women and up to 2 cups for men with meals.
Intermittent fasting
“Most Americans eat from the time they wake up until they go to bed,” O’keeffe said. “But when our body takes a break from digesting food, it tends to be good for it.”
Studies show that daily fasts of at least 12 hours occur during sleep, many of which can be extended up to 16 hours a day, improving cardiovascular health and lowering blood pressure.
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