Tameside Hospital fights a fatal outbreak of Covid acquired by the hospital. World news
According to the Guardian, more than one-third of England’s inpatients’ coronavirus deaths are fighting a fatal outbreak of Covid-19 acquired by a hospital in a small district hospital last week in the United Kingdom.
of NHS The investigation began after an unknown number of patients died of Covid-19 after being infected while being treated for another illness in the hospital.
The deaths occurred at Tameside General Hospital during the week leading up to September 10. Greater ManchesterThis was due to an unexpected surge in Covid’s deaths, increasing from six times a week to 18 deaths.
The 18 deaths represent more than one-third of the 52 deaths from coronavirus in all hospitals in England, with the latest NHS data. Released on Tuesday is showing. Two more died from Covid at Tameside Hospital over the weekend.
The incident is believed to be one of the first to confirm that the NHS’s hospital-acquired Covid outbreak killed lives. last week Weston General Hospital in SomersThe investigation revealed that Covid-19 may have contributed to the deaths of 18 people infected during treatment, and expressed an apology.
Occurrence Defined by Public Health England (pdf) As two or more related cases or deaths, or situations with higher than expected infection rates.
Hospitals raise serious concerns about infection control and testing to prepare for increased hospitalizations.
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in England increased from 2,621 on Monday to 3,105 again on Tuesday.
Of the 18 Tameside patients, the number of 18 who died after capturing Covid-19 after being hospitalized for treatment of various medical conditions is unknown.
However, properly placed NHS sources have confirmed that some of them are the result of what is known as nosocomial infections, namely nosocomial infections. All 18 are elderly and are believed to have one or more underlying illnesses.
public health Hospitals in England and Tameside are currently examining the medical history of each of the 18 deaths to determine how many have Covid when it arrives and how many have it after admission.
An investigative-informed source said: “Death falls into three categories: community-acquired infections, possible nosocomial infections and actual nosocomial infections. There are several so far, some in hospitals. I know it was related to the outbreak of the Covid I got. “
“I’m really worried about the many deaths that happened at Tameside Hospital,” said Dr. Kairaschand, chair of the local patient-watching dog, Tameside Healthwatch.
“I’m also worried about the outbreak at Tameside, a hospital-acquired Covid that is known to pose a significant risk to the hospital and its patients. What needs to be investigated and what is here? If you run into problems, you need to learn lessons. “
Hospital sources said the “majority” of 18 people had Covid before admission, and the number of deaths associated with in-hospital outbreaks was “low.” They emphasized that the patients involved were already in poor health before they became infected.
According to hospital sources, some of the 18 deaths had developed Covid upon arrival but were asymptomatic. “We test all hospitalized patients. Some of them have returned as positive. [after they were tested] Even if it is asymptomatic. “
The Covid epidemic poses a perceived risk to patients in the ward or receiving emergency medical care, including the risk of death. It can involve someone infected by infection from a healthcare professional or fellow patient and may be related to improper infection control procedures in the hospital.
One-fifth of inpatients with Covid-19 may have been so infectedAccording to a recent study conducted by Public Health England (PHE).
In May, Boris Johnson told Conservative lawmaker Lawrence Robertson that his father Jim had just died in a hospital-acquired Covid.
Tameside has recently killed an unusually large number of people. According to a Guardian analysis, the three weeks leading up to September 10 account for one-quarter of deaths from the English hospital coronavirus. 32 out of 134 in total. The worst hospital day was Monday, September 7, last month, with Covid-related deaths out of a total of nine in all UK hospitals.
Tameside, which operates the hospital, and the Glosso op Integrated Care NHS Trust said in a statement: “We work with Public Health England and other partners to fully understand the recent death toll. However, the population in our area is old and has many existing health conditions. , Covid-19 prevalence turns out to be high in our area.
“We continue to prioritize infection prevention in our hospitals, and patients need to sit over their faces, stay socially distant, and continue to attend regular hand-washing appointments. “
After death, NHS England officials visited the hospital last week to control infections, including testing all hospitalized patients and staff wearing appropriate personal protective equipment against the risks posed by the area in which they work. Evaluated the procedure. The practice was robust enough and “there was no problem,” according to hospital sources who were pleased with the hygiene.
Tameside is one of the 10 districts that make up Greater Manchester, one of the UK’s regions, with Covid-related restrictions in each region and varies from district to district. Tameside has the fourth highest infection rate in the United Kingdom. Currently, there are 98 cases per 100,000 people, almost four times the UK average of 26.
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