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London “could introduce a curfew to prevent the second coronavirus wave”


Curfew may be imposed in the capital COVID-19 Wave, today, the Secretary of Public Health signaled the people of London when they “pulled together” and appealed to limit the surge in feared incidents.

Professor Kevin Fenton said in an epidemic that is expected to hit cities with much greater force in the coming weeks. London The Director of Public Health England has revealed that more restrictions may be imposed to avoid stricter blockades, including those that may include the entire capital.

In an exclusive interview with Evening Standard, he also made an urgent appeal to Londoners, calling for “amazing” efforts to break the first wave and “start over now.”

Professor Fenton said:

  • Approximately 500,000 students arrive in London from all over the country and around the world at the beginning of the semester, which is likely to increase infectious diseases.
  • The demand for tests exceeds capacity, and the number of tests in London is about 150,000 per week as it is concentrated in the hotspots of the North and Midland. The number of positive tests announced to the city yesterday was 278, which may be underestimated given the shortage.
  • Some coronavirus clusters occur especially in long-term care facilities outside London.
  • About 10 London boroughs have a 7-day moving average of about 30 cases of coronavirus infection per 100,000 population.
  • There are other factors as well, but the rise of young people in the capital.
  • When asked about the “cluster” of incidents at work, it was not clear where people caught the virus.
  • Schools now “understand their role much more effectively” in dealing with suspicious cases.
  • The tube is “safe”.
  • He was optimistic about the vaccine, but warned that it would be difficult in the fall and winter.

The PHE officer emphasized that its purpose was to avoid the blockade in London.

“Before reaching that stage, there are many other things you can do to reduce the risk of transmission and help contain your outbreak,” Fenton explained.

“In some areas of the resurgence, there are limits on how much time you can spend socializing. You may have a local curfew, so don’t drink until early in the morning.

“Limiting it also limits the amount of time people spend in close contact with others.”

Bolton’s curfew restricts pubs, restaurants and other hospitality facilities to take-out and requires you to be close to your customers between 10 pm and 5 am.

Other measures cited by Professor Fenton focused on wearing masks, strengthening public health warnings, and increasing safety at Covid in the workplace.

He also emphasized that all Londoners play a role in fighting the second wave.

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A woman in PPE walks in London (AFP via Getty Images)

“In terms of responding to the blockade by the state, what we did as a city is astounding. The degree of restraint achieved by the time limit has been lifted … very low mortality and number of incidents.” He said.

Seeing the resurrection happening in different parts of the country, we need to call for that determination … if you’ve actually done this before, you can do it again.

“In the winter months, if an increase in cases is unavoidable, that vigilance and effort is really needed by all of us, no matter where we are in the city, regardless of age or background. We need to draw together. There is. “

Professor Fenton elaborated on London’s plans,

New restrictions

If desired, you can order across London instead of targeted, localized measurements, taking into account population trends.

He states: “We will work with our partners in London to identify the best approach, some of which will intensify our activities at the autonomous region and subregional levels. How well it is possible to implement some of these interventions. Indicates if it is possible. “

Covid-19 test

“Currently, demand far exceeds the capacity we have,” he said, and the tests available in London are “where they need it.”

nursing home

“Some districts with a large number of care houses, especially some in the suburbs of London, tend to have clusters of cases occurring in those care homes.”

More than 100,000 tests a day have been assigned to nursing homes nationwide, making it possible to “return to orbit with asymptomatic tests.”


He said the student return was a “challenge.”

“We expect more than 500,000 students to return to the city in the coming weeks.” However, many universities have planned their own exam systems.

Young people

Covid infection rates are higher between the ages of 17 and 29.

“Returning to the normal life of young people in London is associated with an increase in infection,” he said.

Public transport

He talked about how tubes are “safe” with extensive cleaning and high compliance with masking.

“We certainly learned the lessons from Phase 1 in terms of how to build a secure transportation system.”


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