How to deal with anxiety and depression in the workplace
Toronto-COVID-19 cases surged across Canada, “Second waveSome people may feel a deterioration in their mental health.
Throughout the pandemic, Canadians report experiencing depression and loneliness. Reduced anxiety and worry Around the illness itself, according to a national survey by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CAMH) and research technology firm Delvinia. These mental health problems, combined with stress such as an unprecedented pandemic, can be particularly difficult for people with a predisposition to depression.
“It shows an unusual amount of uncertainty and unpredictability,” said a professor of psychology at Western University who helped plan an early pandemic study of the rate of increase in anxiety and depression. Dr. David Dozois said. “We want predictability and control. In an era like COVID, we certainly can’t control all variables … socially isolated for people vulnerable to depression. The more you do, the less behavioral activity you have, and it’s just a recipe for worsening depression. “
Here are some tips from talent and psychology experts on mental health and the workplace, and how to manage them. This article is not intended to serve as medical advice for people with clinical depression or anxiety.
Talk to your boss
Some employees may be reluctant to approach their boss about their personal mental health. In that case, Dozois recommends that employees find a solution through the union’s representative or the Human Resources department. Canadians experiencing mental illness have the right to certain considerations under the law. If personally uncomfortable, CAMH Accommodation request Is also appropriate. Many workplaces have built-in resources and policies, but not all.
“Sadly, it really fluctuates,” Dozois said. “Most workplaces have employee assistance programs. I think there’s much more to be done lately as less anxiety and depression prejudice and increased awareness.”
2016, Starbucks Canada is mental Health benefits According to Dozois, employees reach $ 5,000 a year. This is in line with the amount health professionals expect from many mental health therapies.
However, there are also personal steps that Canadians can take in managing their mental health during this period.
Acknowledgments and labels
Nita Chinzer, a professor of business administration at the University of Guelph, says one of the first steps in dealing with a mental health situation is to recognize and label it.
“We are very comfortable labeling our happiness, enthusiasm and optimism,” she told CTV on the phone Wednesday. “But we need to label our anxiety, fear, and sadness in the same way. We need to stop saying,’We’re fine.’ ”
The approach depends on how severe anxiety and depression are, but Dozois adds that cognition can play an important role in emotional normalization.
“It’s not uncommon now to examine your feelings and recognize feelings of depression and anxiety,” he told CTV on the phone Wednesday.
Understanding and identifying triggers
Chinzer suggests that assessing emotions may be helpful before moving on to the behavior and management of difficult emotions in the workplace. Did I fall behind the work project? Did you have another day alone in your home office without interacting with people? Did you have a lot of customers in the workplace without masks?
“was [the trigger] What causes an undesired state of mind to persist for an extended period of time? “She said. In this way, you can have a strategy in place to address and manage the problem.
Act and management
After recognizing and understanding what’s happening, Mr. Chinzer calls mental health issues a “common responsibility” between employers and employees, saying it’s important for employees to assert themselves. Told.
She said there are three main types of interventions to manage mental health problems:
Aggressive intervention: This may require the manager to request a new deadline, request assistance in setting a physical barrier at work, or email a reminder about physical distance.
Calm intervention: This is the use of strategies that promote stress relief. Go for a walk, have a cup of tea, or call a friend.
Thought Intervention: This is a longer-term strategy to work towards becoming more positive every day, Chhinzer said. “Recognize what is under our control and what is outside our control.”
Worried “reservation”
In situations where the news and reality of a pandemic life fuels anxiety, it may be helpful to set aside time for worry, or, as Dozois says, “make a reservation with worry.”
“If you find yourself tired of worrying all day long, plan your worrying time,” he said. “Your worries don’t consume you all day, I direct it to my worried time.”
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