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7 Heart Health Tips for Your 30s To Prevent High Blood Pressure


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Exercise and diet are two key components of the American Heart Association’s Life’s Simple 7 and can reduce your risk of high blood pressure. Getty Images
  • The American Heart Association states that people in their thirties who follow healthy lifestyle choices can reduce their risk of high blood pressure in their forties.
  • The organization offers seven simple heart health tips, including diet, exercise, cholesterol, and blood sugar control.
  • According to experts, people should not try to change all seven lifestyles at once. We recommend choosing the one or two that best suits your lifestyle.

Following Life’s Simple 7 in your 30s can help reduce your risk of high blood pressure in your 40s.

according to it, New research It was published in the journal of the American Heart Association today.

The study surveyed more than 30,000 adults in the United States and found that 42% of participants developed hypertension (hypertension) after 9 years of follow-up.

Researchers said the American Heart AssociationLife Simple 7Score, participants showed 6 percent lower risk High blood pressure..

Nearly half According to the American Heart Association, all American adults have high blood pressure. This condition is associated with stroke, heart attack, blindness, and heart failure.

But experts say it is also preventable, especially with early interventions.

“What we are doing now will affect our health today and in the coming years,” he said. Caroline West Passerello, MS, RDN, LDN, Spokesperson of the Academy of Nutrition and Nutrition.

Life’s Simple 7 (LS7) is a metric model of cardiovascular health created by the American Heart Association.

LS7 considers the following health behaviors and factors:

  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • diet
  • smoking
  • Physical activity
  • blood pressure
  • cholesterol
  • Blood sugar

Dr. Donald M. Lloyd Jones, ScM, FAHA are Deans of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University. He is also President-elect of the American Heart Association and is part of the group that developed Life’s Simple 7 scales and standards.

Lloyd Jones said he also considered including stress and sleep in Life’s Simple 7 list.

“Of course the problem is that stress is everywhere. It’s unavoidable. It’s also very difficult to measure stress,” he told Healthline. “We couldn’t come up with a reliable way to measure stress, as well as a reliable measure of blood pressure.”

“Stress is also experienced very differently by different people, based on background and many other factors,” Lloyd-Jones added.

Nevertheless, stress plays an important role in heart health.

“Stress is a kind of qualifier for our ability to actually adhere to Simple 7,” said Lloyd Jones. “When we are stressed, we tend not to eat healthy, do not engage in physical activity, and do not sleep. This affects both weight and blood pressure.”

You don’t necessarily have to embark on an all-or-nothing mission.

Lloyd Jones said that you don’t have to work on all seven to see the great health benefits.

“Choose what you are ready to work on today and improve it, and it will bring real and obvious benefits to your health,” he said.

Also, choose the method that suits you best and follow the path of least resistance.

“This is a really important part,” said Lloyd Jones. “Some people really respond to smartphone apps that count calories and limit what they eat every day. Others don’t respond to it at all.”

Lloyd Jones, others Intermittent fasting An approach that strictly limits or limits calories at a particular time and eats moderately for the rest of the day.

He gave an example of eating mainly from noon to 8 pm

“It’s important to understand who you are,” he said.

Still, the secret to most people’s success is a moderate diet that increases physical activity over time.

However, if you are a smoker, Lloyd Jones recommends that you start smoking first.

“Smoking is not only a risk factor for chronic damage to the heart and lungs, but it also triggers it,” he said. “Nicotine and other factors can cause your blood pressure to rise sharply, stressing your heart.”

He said that within a year of quitting smoking, he could pose a risk of heart attack and cut it in half. Within a few years, it can be close to that of someone who has never smoked.

“You get very real profits very quickly,” Lloyd Jones said.

Passerrello suggests following a diet (DASH) to stop high blood pressure.

Experts say DASH diet It is the easiest to follow and provides the most practical solution for real-life dietary scenarios.

“DASH is a flexible diet that doesn’t argue what foods to eat or what not to eat,” Passerrello said. “Rather, DASH takes an overall dietary pattern approach and limits the food goals it includes daily and even weekly.”

Here is Passerrello’s list of heart health foods:

  • Vegetables
  • fruit
  • Whole grains
  • Beans (raw or rinsed)
  • fish
  • Lean poultry
  • nuts
  • Healthy oil

Focusing on these foods also naturally limits sodium intake, she said. Avoid lean and processed meats, refined grains and sweets.


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