Coronavirus deaths can be “ only ” 5,700, but only if lockdown rules are observed
According to expert research, deaths from the UK coronavirus could be significantly reduced. But only if the British follow the government lockdown rules.
According to a paper at Imperial College in London, if the disease follows the same pattern currently being blocked in China, 5,700 people will die in the UK.
This follows the harsh assertion of Sir Patrick Valence, the government’s chief scientific adviser, that 20,000 deaths in the UK represent a “good result.”
Without intervention, hundreds of thousands of people are at risk of death.
The British were effectively locked down on Monday after Prime Minister Boris Johnson said people should leave the house, exercise, buy necessary supplies, or go to work.

(Image: Julian Hamilton / Daily Mirror)
The study also found that the peak outbreak in the UK could occur on Sunday, April 5, eight days.
After analyzing the effects of social isolation measures, experts predict that at the height of Covid-19, 260 people will die in the UK in one day.
This is significantly less than the daily maximum of 1300 deaths expected in Italy, where outbreaks are now expected to peak.
The 5,700 lives lost in the UK as a result of a pandemic result in fewer annual deaths than seasonal flu.
Explaining his findings twitterAccording to Professor Tom Pike, one of the authors of the study: “Social distance opposes Covid-19 as an effective multi-country parachute.

(Image: Julian Hamilton / Daily Mirror)
“There is no reason to cut off the parachute while still on the ground.”
Last week, modeling by epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, from Imperial College, Coronavirus If left unchecked, more than half a million people can die in the UK, and 260,000 can die from social distance measures.
However, new studies using Chinese data predict that lost lives could be significantly less.
According to a study by Professor Pike, Spain is expected to become the country most infected with viruses such as influenza, killing 46,000 people.
At its peak, expected to arrive on April 4, 2,200 lives can be lost in one day.

(Image: TWITTER / @ BorisJohnson / HANDOUT / EPA-EFE / Shutterstock)
Italy, on the other hand, is estimated to have a total of 28,000 deaths, similar to the United States.
UK public health experts claim tough new social distance measures are working.
Jenny Harrys, Assistant Secretary-General of Jenny Harries, said:
“It’s really important that we continue that. We really need to stick with us because we don’t expect any significant changes in numbers over the next two or three weeks.”
Today, the number of people taking the Covid-19 test in the UK has jumped to the maximum. It increased by 8,911 from 104,866 tested to 113,777.
The number of deaths in the UK increased by 181 to 759, and the number of confirmed cases increased by nearly 3,000 to 14,543.
Boris Johnson Secretary of Health Matt Hancock is one of the new incidents in the UK after both were overthrown today.
If the test continues to increase, it is hoped that the blockade could be lifted by summer instead of waiting for the vaccine.
Evidence in China shows that infection rates have not spiked despite people being allowed to travel again.
Ferguson, who advises the UK government, said: “This gives hope to countries currently at different levels of blockade.”
The Prime Minister has shared news on the video after symptoms have appeared in the last 24 hours, including a dry cough.
Chief Medical Officer Chris Whittier also said he was suffering from the condition and had opted to isolate himself-he is not believed to have been tested.
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