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Ministry of Health reports West Nile virus-positive mosquito sample in Clark County | News


Clark County — The Clark County Health Department (CCHD) reports the first West Nile virus (WNV) -positive mosquito sample in 2020. CCHD was notified on September 15 by the Indiana Department of Health that one of its WNV-positive mosquito sample collections was tested. Mosquito samples were collected in downtown Charlestown on August 26th.

There have been no cases of WNV human disease reported in Clark County or Indiana this season, but this reminds us of the importance of preventing mosquito breeding grounds and preventing mosquito bites. Most people infected with the West Nile virus (8 out of 10) are asymptomatic. About 1 in 5 infected people develop symptoms such as fever, headache, body pain, joint pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and rash. Most people with this type of WNV disease recover completely, but fatigue and weakness can last for weeks or months. About 1 in 150 infected people develop serious diseases that affect the central nervous system, such as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and meningitis (inflammation of the membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord).

“It’s important for everyone to take appropriate precautions to prevent mosquito bites. There is no human vaccine and no cure for West Nile virus infection, but it can be prevented,” Clark County said. Said Dr. Eric Yazel, Health Officer.

You can reduce the risk of WNV by using insect repellent and wearing long-sleeved shirts and trousers to prevent mosquito bites. If possible, keep mosquitoes out at the most active dusk and dawn. Outbreaks of WNV are common from late summer to early autumn. This is also a time when people are more likely to enjoy the outdoors. Water stoppage creates ideal conditions for mosquito breeding. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water sources as small as bottle caps and can complete their egg-to-adult life cycle in about a week. The Department of Health will continue to monitor the entire county and continue to control mosquitoes until the first “below freezing” temperature of the year.

Tips for eliminating mosquito breeding grounds

• Clean the gutters to allow water to flow freely.

• Remove old tires or drill drain holes in the tires used for playground equipment.

• Store the plastic water pool inside or turn it upside down when not in use.

• Turn over or remove the clay pot and plastic container.

• Dispose of all empty beverage containers, plastic wrappers, discarded toys, etc.

• Check for water trapped in plastic or canvas tarpaulins used to cover boats, pools, etc. Place a tarpaulin to drain the water.

• Pump up the boat bilge. Store the canoe and small boat upside down.

• Change the water in the bird tub at least twice a week.

• Remove unused pet food and water pans.

• Clean the livestock aquarium twice a week.

• Do not turn the trash can lid upside down. Be careful not to collect water on the bottom of the trash can.

• Rinse the bottom of the plant holder twice a week.

• Correct the dripping of the outer faucet.

• When storing outside, turn the wheelbarrow upside down.

• Look around the construction site or make your own improvements to ensure that proper backfilling and grading prevent drainage problems.

• Check for mosquito larvae in decorative ponds, wooden holes, and low water retention areas. If you find or suspect mosquito larvae, please contact your local mosquito control office.

• Large numbers of mosquitoes can grow if drains do not flow and contain water that has stagnated for more than a week. Please report such a condition to the mosquito control office. Do not try to clear these ditches as they may be protected by wetland regulations.

• For information on West Nile virus activity by state, visit:

• For a map showing recent WNV infections of people, horses, and mosquitoes, visit the following website:

• For more information on mosquito repellent, please visit:

• For additional information on prevention, protection, and management by the Indiana Department of Health, visit the following website:


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