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AIC virologists state that less than 20 instances are needed daily for Vic to reopen its boundaries.


The state’s highest body says Victoria should reduce the number of virus infections to less than 20 per day before countries reopen their borders.

Dr. Chris Moy, an AMA virology expert, states the number of diseases each state is in control of, when to acquire Victoria, after which the prime minister and the prime minister represent hotspots and cause movement restrictions. You need to combine and understand the points.

There were 28 new instances in Victoria soon, the lowest total in 13 months. The normal amount of Melbourne infection has been 44.4 instances in the last 14 times and 2.9 in the rest of the country.

Chris Moy, chairman of the Camera Icon Australian Medical Association (SA), states that Victoria needs to receive less than 20 new illnesses per day before boundaries can safely spread across the country. Price: Included

Dr. Moy said the goal could still be weeks ahead, as Victoria was trying to curb the number of his daily illnesses and NSW could have a major breakout. I predicted.

“Nothing could have happened at the border until Victoria acted together,” Dr. Moi explained.

“Queensland is concerned about its neighbors (NSW) and wants to keep the fort. Now, with Victoria’s returns, we need to find these amounts within a longer period of time.

“If you’ve reduced the number of instances per day from 10 to 20, and Victoria is still having problems every time, you need a medium- to long-term discussion that represents a hot spot.”

The prime ministers said that the prime ministers functioned independently and did not communicate with each other to protect their interests like banks, and that they had to come together to form a group and select future countries. Explained that it is a big barrier to the country

It happens when Victoria manages the next wave “because it was a tragedy,” he explained.

Dr. Moy said he wasn’t surprised by a study at an Australian national university, with about 70,000 Australians likely infected with the virus and 11,000 instances reported until the next wave. He said it was about seven times larger in comparison.

He may have many reasons for its discovery, including asymptomatic individuals who are far less contagious than individuals who show signs of the virus, social distance, self-isolation, and telecommuting individuals. I explained.

Among the most notable individuals who had repeated positive coronavirus reactions several times and found no signs at all, Richard Wilkins was on Channel 9.

Wilkins was at home for nearly three weeks, waiting to clear everything to measure again.

“Many asymptomatic people are not coughing or sweating, so they are much less contagious than those who are symptomatic,” he explained.

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