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According to Fauci, a sufficient number of people need to be vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine to be effective.


If there are too few Americans When the Covid-19 vaccine becomes available, It does not help reduce spread Deadly virus The country’s highest infectious disease authorities said.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Dr. Anthony Fauci Risk when there are not enough people Take the vaccine.

Even one-third of Americans Vaccination against coronavirus The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said it wasn’t enough.

“It’s a combination Vaccine effect And how many people are using it, “Forch said. “If the vaccine is so effective that not enough people are vaccinated, we cannot understand the sufficient and significant effect of vaccination.”

Forsi said the weaker the vaccine’s defenses, the greater the need to obtain the vaccine to provide immunity to the entire population. The underlying goal is to keep the level of infection very low so that it can be easily controlled, even when there are few outbreaks.

Recent polls from The Kaiser Family Fund said 54% of respondents would not get the vaccine if it was available for free before the November 3 presidential election — the period suggested by President Donald Trump. But one of the health officials said he didn’t think so.

Separately, the Pew Research Center found that only 51% of Americans who said the Covid-19 vaccine would decrease from 72% in May if currently available were surveyed. In the study, 77% believe that a vaccine is “very or to some extent possible” if it is approved before the safety or efficacy of the vaccine is fully understood, and 78% have too much vaccine approval. I was worried that it would go fast.

Most, 76% were worried about side effects, saying that was the main reason they were “certainly or probably not” able to get the vaccine.

Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, said that hesitating to obtain the Covid-19 vaccine when it became available is an urgent issue to be addressed. ..

“Vaccine hesitants are becoming more hesitant because of what’s happening right now, especially the unfortunate mix of science and politics,” Collins said at an event hosted by the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. “I don’t want to talk about how I got a solution to the worst pandemic of over 100 years a year later, but I couldn’t convince people to actually take it. Said.

Forsi said he still believes it will be in the last few months of the year before the vaccine proves safe and effective. “I still invest in November / December,” Forch said in a panel at the Hispanic Caucus Institute in Congress on the World Pandemic.

Rich countries have obtained most of the vaccine supply

Wealthy countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan have bought more than half of the expected supply of coronavirus vaccines, Oxfam, an international poverty all-non-profit organization, said Wednesday.

Although these countries make up 13% of the world’s population, they have bought a future supply of 51% of the coronavirus vaccine, Oxfam said.

The group used data collected by analysis firm Airfinity to analyze public transactions between the government and vaccine manufacturers. Oxfam has calculated that five organizations, AstraZeneca, Russia’s Gamalaya, Moderna, Pfizer and China’s Sinovak, have a total production capacity of 5.94 billion doses. This is enough to cover 297 million people. Perhaps less than half of the world’s population if everyone needs two doses.

“Supply agreements have already been agreed at 5,333 million times, of which 2,728 million (51%) are developed countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Switzerland, Israel and Europe. It has been purchased by the Union, “Oxfam said in a statement.

He added that the rest were purchased or promised, among other things, by developing countries such as India, Bangladesh, China, Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico.

“Access to life-saving vaccines should not depend on where you live or how much money you have,” said Robert Silberman of Oxfam. “Development and approval of safe and effective vaccines is very important, but just as important is to make sure that the vaccine is available and affordable to everyone. COVID-19 is everywhere. It’s COVID-19. “

Oxfam said it promised developing countries two-thirds of the dose developed by AstraZeneca.

Seven coronavirus deaths associated with one wedding

Ah Wedding in maine Linked to 176 COVID-19 According to public health experts, the seven cases and deaths that did not attend the celebration highlight how easy and fast the coronavirus can spread in social settings.

For months, doctors have emphasized the importance of wearing masks, keeping social distances, and avoiding large gatherings.

But outbreaks anniversary Event, July 4th Celebration and large scale Motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota.

According to the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the wedding in Millinocket on August 7 had about 65 guests and violated the 50-person limit for indoor events in the state.

The event is related to outbreaks in special nursing homes and prisons more than 100 miles from the wedding hall.

Residents of the Maple Cress Rehabilitation and Living Center accounted for 6 of 39 marriage-related cases and 7 deaths to date, said Dr. Nirav D. Shah, director of the main CDC.

“Viruses like gatherings,” Shah added. “It doesn’t distinguish between happy events like wedding celebrations or sad farewells like funerals.”

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