Brazilian Batlift Surgery Kills Again in Miami Despite Tighter Medical Regulations | National / World
MIAMI — Gia Romualdo-Rodriguez traveled from New York to Miami for surgery at Xiluet, a clinic specializing in breast augmentation, tummy tacking and Brazilian bat lifts.
However, during this week’s surgery, her oxygen levels and heart rate plummeted. According to Miami-Dade police, the surgeon called 911 because she couldn’t be saved. Rom Aldrodriguez was rushed to Kendall Regional Hospital, but it was too late.
She died at the age of 46. The Miami-Dade County Office said Thursday that Romuald-Rodriguez’s death was determined to be accidental — the result of embolism caused by fat injected into the buttocks.
The incident was the last Brazilian batlift death in Miami. It is willing to attract women and men from all over the country and endanger often dangerous surgery due to its large, rounded buttocks. At least 20 people have died in Florida over the last decade due to procedural complications, and almost all have died in Miami, according to one researcher tracking deaths.
Deaths associated with popular procedures occurred so frequently that the Florida Medical Commission set new limits on surgeons last year. This rule prohibits the surgeon from injecting fat into the patient’s gluteal muscles because of the risk of puncturing the gluteal veins. This can cause fat masses to move to the heart and lungs, causing organs to fail.
During a Brazilian bat lift, surgeons use liposuction to remove fat from the patient’s stomach. The fat is treated and injected into the buttocks. The rules adopted by the Medical Society require doctors to inject fat over the muscles and under the skin.
Nonetheless, at least three fat embolism deaths have occurred since the rules came into force, said Dr. Onerio Garcia, a plastic surgeon who assists in screening these cases.
“We have sent all sorts of notifications to orthopedic surgeons about what to do (and more importantly, what not to do) to ensure safety,” said Garcia, a member of the Florida Orthopedic Association. Said. Because of the rules.
The surgeon in this case was Dr. Stephanie Stover of Xiluet Plastic Surgery. An office employee said he couldn’t comment on the reporter on Thursday.
According to her public profile of the Florida Department of Health, she has no training history and is accredited by the US Orthopedic Commission.
Rom Aldrodriguez, at College Point in New York, was becoming a woman. She also had breast augmentation surgery, according to police.
The Florida Orthopedic Association is careful not to perform many surgeries at once.
“As a patient, you should investigate the surgeon and the facility and be careful not to overdo it in a single visit,” said social lawyer Chris Nuland.
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