Gut flora can affect pCR in early-stage breast cancer
A study from Scotland, to be presented at this year’s Virtual European Breast Cancer Conference in October, linked two short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) levels in early-stage female patients. breast cancer According to the summary released today, a complete pathological response (pCR) to preoperative chemotherapy (NACT).
The two SCFAs were propionate and butyrate, which were shown to be lower in gut flora in patients who achieved pCR compared to those who did not achieve pCR after surgery.
“In this study, we began to investigate whether the function of the gut microbiota would be one of the factors affecting the effectiveness of chemotherapy.” Said Oncologist at Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Center in Glasgow, UK, Kirstyros, MBChB, MSc, UK.
Ross and her fellow authors also said that the two SCFAs they investigated were known to “reduce the ability of the immune system to target cancer cells,” but they are in the current study. Not considered in the settings. To determine the levels of propionic acid and butyric acid, researchers used gas chromatography before the first NACT (T1), at the midpoint of NACT (T2), and after the last NACT cycle (T3). ), I examined the stool sample of the research group. Healthy groups were sampled only once. pCR was evaluated through postoperative tissue samples.
The study population consisted of two cohorts. Twenty-one patients in the study group had early-stage breast cancer and were being treated at Beatson West at the Scottish Cancer Center. Their median age and BMI were 56 (range, 33-72) years and 28.6 kg / m.2 (Range, 19.6-55.6 kg / m2),Each. There were 24 women in the healthy control group, with a median age of 46 (range, 31-61) years and a BMI of 25.9 mg / m3.2 (Range, 18.0-42.4 kg / m2).
Overall, 25% of evaluable patients had pCR, and there was no significant difference between T1 health care and SCFA levels in study patients.
However, significantly lower mean concentrations (μmol / g) of T3 of propionic acid and butyric acid were found between patients who achieved p3 and those who did not.
- Propionate:
- T1: 14.5 vs 25.3 (P = .036)
- T3: 6.6 vs 23.7 (P = .027)
- Butyrate:
- T1: 13.2 vs 28.2 (P = .027)
- T3: 7.8 vs 20.5 (P = .024)
Results from 20 participants in each cohort were available. In the study group, 42.9% had human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) positive disease, 38.1% had triple negative disease, and 19% had estrogen receptor positive HER2 negative disease. Their treatment consisted of FEC-T (42.9%), FEC-TH (28.6%) and others (28.6%).
“Lower levels of propionic acid and butyric acid suggest that peripheral Tregs are relatively low, leading to the development of immunostimulatory tumor microenvironments and improved pCR,” the researchers speculate. I concluded. “Further investigation is needed, including immunophenotyping of the patient’s peripheral blood and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes.”
They hope that their results will lead to additional research on ways to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and are planning larger studies on the effects of gut microbiota on breast cancer subtypes and anticancer immune responses. I will.
Ross K. Enterobacteriaceae Short-chain fatty acids are associated with a complete pathological response (pCR) after preoperative chemotherapy for breast cancer. Announcement: 12th European Breast Cancer Conference; October 2-3, 2020. Summary 105.
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