What StatCan learned by asking 35,000 Canadians about pandemic discrimination
New data from Statistics Canada add to the growing demand on the federal government to address the racial inequality experienced by various Canadian population groups during the pandemic process of economic recovery programs.
of Survey results released on Thursday It was found that 28% of Canadians surveyed reported having suffered some discrimination since the outbreak of COVID-19 began.
Statistics Canada surveyed 35,000 Canadians between August 4 and 24 to better understand which groups were adversely affected as a result of systemic disability during the health crisis.
Authorities note that the survey data are not based on random selection and that the findings should not be interpreted to represent the population of Canada as a whole.
Young participants between the ages of 15 and 24 reported that they were twice as likely to be discriminated against during the pandemic process as older people aged 65 and over. Among young people, Statistics Canada found that women were 45% more likely to report experiencing stigma than male counterparts.
Both indigenous men and women were more likely to report experiences of discrimination than non-indigenous participants, but the difference was again particularly significant among women.
Discrimination in groups
According to the report, the experience of discrimination was also different across “ethnic and cultural characteristics.”
Statistics Canada found that Chinese, Korean, Southeast Asian, and black participants were more than twice as likely as white participants who reported experiencing discrimination.
Authorities agree that the results are consistent with data from previous crowdsourcing initiatives, and participants in China, South Korea and Southeast Asia are aware of an increasing frequency of racial harassment and attacks since the outbreak of the pandemic. I understand.
The new report also found that migrants arriving in Canada within the last decade were more likely to report that they experienced discrimination than established migrants and Canadian-born participants.
Participants of diverse genders who did not report their gender only as female or male were nearly three times more likely than males to report experiencing discrimination during the pandemic. Participants in LGBTQ and other sexual minorities were also likely to report experiences of discrimination.
In addition, participants who identified themselves as having a disability reported being discriminated against twice as likely as non-disabled participants.
Form of discrimination
Among those who said they experienced discrimination, the most commonly reported forms were race or skin color (34%), followed by age (30%), appearance (26%), ethnicity and It was based on culture (25%)) and gender (22%).
Avvy Go, director of law clinics in China and Southeast Asia, says the new data amplifies equity concerns for those who have experienced racism for years.
Go told CTV’s Your Morning Thursday that the coronavirus pandemic exposed racial inequality in multiple sectors of Canada, including employment, health care, housing and education.
“Even before the pandemic, indigenous peoples have low color incomes, are likely to have low-paying jobs, and have high unemployment rates … Unemployment rates in China and South Asia have also risen significantly. Yes, more than any other group. “
“We know that this is the result of systematic and structural racism in the labor market.”
The color of poverty – the color of change (COP-COC) is a campaign currently promoting the recognition of racial inequality in the COVID-19 pandemic of Canada’s Economic Resumption Plan.
The health crisis will not continue to affect racialized groups more than other groups, as the campaign requires the federal government to address discrimination within borders.
“By doing so, we increase employment opportunities for minority groups, including not only people of color, but also women and people with disabilities,” Go said.
Where and how discrimination occurs
As each group faces its own set of unique challenges and situations, Statistics Canada has found that the most common forms of discrimination differ between groups.
Of the indigenous participants who faced bias during the pandemic process, the most common form was discrimination based on indigenous identities, but participants in visible ethnic minority groups are related to race or ethnicity. Reported the format. Eighty-four percent of black participants reported experiencing discrimination related to race and color.
Participants experienced prejudice and were also different, similar to how the forms of discrimination were mixed.
Statistics Canada reports that about four in ten (36%) of participants said they experienced discrimination in stores, banks, or restaurants. One-third experienced when using public areas such as parks and sidewalks, nearly one-third online, and about one-third while working or looking for a job.
However, not all groups have experienced the same type of discrimination.
According to the data, black and South Asian participants reported more frequently cases of discrimination in stores, banks, or restaurants.
Chinese and Filipino participants are more likely to report that they are experiencing discrimination when using public areas, and Arab respondents are more likely to report prejudice at work. It was.
Participants of diverse gender and sexual minorities said they faced discrimination primarily online.
Participants who reported experiencing discrimination in all group groups also had less confidence in the system, including the police and court systems.
Statistics Canada faces a set of unique challenges for each population group and needs additional analysis to better understand the problems faced by groups of all people living in Canada. I admitted that.
Visualization by Mahima Singh on CTV
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