CDC virus testing guidance posted in opposition to scientists’ objections
Recommendations strongly criticized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last month Tested for coronavirus Not only internal documents obtained by the New York Times, but also according to several people familiar with the matter, not written by CDC scientists, but posted on the agency’s website despite their serious objections. I did.
Guidance stated that it is not necessary to test people who are asymptomatic with Covid-19, even if they are exposed to the virus. It came when public health professionals were demanding less and more testing, and authorities told the Times that the document was a CDC product and was modified. Input from agency director Dr. Robert Redfield..
But officials told The Times this week that the Department of Health and Human Services had rewritten it and “dropped” it on the CDC’s public website, ignoring the rigorous scientific review process of government agencies.
“This is a top-down document from HHS and the Task Force,” said federal officials with knowledge of the issue, referring to the White House Task Force on the coronavirus. “The policy does not reflect what many at the CDC feel should be a policy.”
This document contains “basic errors” as opposed to testing for the virus that causes it, such as referring to “Testing Covid-19”. It also doesn’t match the CDC’s stance, so it’s unknown to anyone known. Written by institutional scientists, according to a senior CDC scientist who spoke about anonymous conditions for fear of repercussions.
Admiral Brett Giroir, the test coordinator and secretary of the CDC’s parent organization, the Secretariat of the Department of Health and Human Services, said in an interview Thursday that the original draft came from the CDC. Scientific and medical members of the Force. “
He said the draft went through about 20 versions over the course of a month, with comments from Dr. Redfield. Top members of the White House Special Committee, Dr. Anthony Forch and Dr. Deborah Birx. Dr. Scott Atlas, President Trump’s advisor on coronavirus. Members also presented the document to Vice President Mike Pence, who heads the Task Force, Admiral Giroir said.
He said he did not know why the recommendations circumvented regular CDC scientific reviews. “I think we need to ask Dr. Redfield about it. It certainly wasn’t any instruction from me,” he said.
Dr. Redfield’s comments were not available.
The independence and effectiveness of the CDC as the country’s premier public health agency, as the country approaches 200,000 deaths from a coronavirus pandemic and Mr. Trump criticizes scientists and ignores their assessment. The problem is becoming more urgent.
The new version of the test guidance, which will be posted on Friday, has not been cleared by the CDC’s regular internal review of scientific documentation and has been revised by Health and Human Services officials. Talk to the reporter about the problem.
Similarly, “The importance of resuming schoolWas also posted on the CDC’s website by the Department of Health and Human Services in July, and officials said it was far from the CDC’s usual neutral and scientific tone.
Information comes only days after the exposure of HHS political appointers Interfering with CDC’s proud weekly report Scientific research.
“The idea that someone at HHS writes a guideline and posts it under the CDC banner is really cool.
Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, director of the agency during the Obama administration, said: .. “
Dr. Frieden said that while most of the CDC documents are still carefully prepared and scrutinized and valuable to the general public, a mix of public health recommendations and politically motivational messages weakens the organization. It states that. “Graffiti makes the whole monument look pretty bad,” he said.
Current Testing guidelinesA symptom-free person, posted on August 24, said that even if he had been in contact with the infected person for more than 15 minutes, he “does not necessarily need to be tested.” Public health expert Criticized the CDC round Because of that stance, he said it would undermine efforts to contain the virus.
“Suggesting that asymptomatic people do not need testing is just a prescription for community expansion and further illness and death.”
Some experts also said the recommendation appeared to have been motivated by political stimuli to make the number of confirmed cases appear less than they really are.
Dr. Redfield later tried to retreat the recommendation by saying, “Recommendations may be considered for all close contact,” but his attempt was Add to confusion.. The language of the CDC website has not changed.
Usually strong by the American Infectious Diseases Association, a close partner of the CDC Criticized the recommendation test. “We told it to the CDC and HHS, but we haven’t seen any signs that they will change it,” said Amanda Jezek, senior vice president of the organization.
Dr. Redfield said at a congressional hearing Wednesday that authorities were revising the recommendations and would post the revision, “I hope by the end of the week.” The revision was written by CDC scientists, but was edited by the Department of Health and Human Services and the White House Coronavirus Commission on Thursday, according to federal officials familiar with the matter.
Dr. Redfield also said at a hearing on Wednesday that the vaccine would not be widely distributed until next year, and that facial covers are more effective than the vaccine-Trump said. Criticized hard at a press conference On Wednesday night, Dr. Redfield said he “made a mistake.”
The director has been described by CDC employees and outsiders as a weak and ineffective leader who is unable to protect the government from interference with government science and growing distrust of the government.
“It feels like a setup,” said CDC scientists, adding that many scientists within the government feel that they are being made to blame the government’s unpopular policies.
“CDC scientists are terrifyingly moving,” said Scott Becker, CEO of the Institute for Public Health. “There is nothing they can do to get them out of this blame game.”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have also been often criticized during pandemics because they are too late and cautious to make recommendations to combat the coronavirus. According to senior institutional scientists, all documents should be at least one of several relevant teams within the institution to ensure that the information is consistent with “the current state of CDC data and other scientific literature.” This is because it has been cleared by an individual. On anonymous terms.
Overall, each document can be cleared by 12 to 20 people in the institution. “As someone who regularly reads the clearance process or writes things at the CDC, the clearance process can be painful, but it’s useful,” said Carlos Del Rio, an infectious disease expert at Emory University. It was. “It’s a very detailed orientation, very careful and frankly, it improves the documentation.”
At least eight versions of the current test guidance were distributed within the agency in early August, officials said. However, I had never heard of any objection to this document by staff scientists. “We don’t have the ability to make substantial edits,” a senior CDC executive told scientists, according to an email received by The Times. The test guidance was quietly published on the authorities’ website on August 24th.
After the new guidance was published, media inquiries to the agency regarding its content were directed to the Department of Health and Human Services, Prompt speculation About its origin. CDC scientists were asked to make sure that the other pages on the website were in line with the new recommendations. The “Summary” memo, distributed within the agency on September 1, said the CDC was “involved in creating new guidance along with comments and editing suggestions shared with the HHS and the White House Task Force.” Instructed to instruct.
According to experts familiar with the authorities’ procedures, such instructions would not have been necessary if the CDC staff had prepared the document. “I’ve never seen the point of the story,” said a CDC scientist.
The recommendation also states that “people who have participated in more than 10 public or private gatherings (wearing extensive masks or at a physical distance) are” vulnerable “. Only asked to take the test. According to CDC scientists familiar with the agency’s procedures, the agency recommends opposition to those who are actually in such groups, who are “vulnerable” to represent at-risk groups. I avoid using the term.
This guidance is also nested within the section for healthcare professionals and labs, but is intended for the general public and refers to Healthcare Providers.
“We had just a sloppy look,” the scientist said. “What it kills me is that it didn’t come from the inside.”
Experts working closely with the CDC said the mistakes were obvious.
“You’re used to reading Shakespeare, but now you’re suddenly reading tabloids,” said Dr. Del Rio. “There has been political pressure on the CDC in the past, but I think this is unprecedented.”
Sharon LaFraniere and Michael D. Shear contributed to the report.
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