US Coronavirus: The US doesn’t have to wait for the vaccine to put Covid-19 under control, says the country’s best doctors
“We can do that now,” said Dr. Jerome Adams, US surgeon chief, Thursday. “Tools to stop this virus are already in our community.”
This has been done before, in places like New York, according to Adams.
“Our numbers continue to reflect New Yorker activity that ultimately flattened the curve,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said earlier this week. “As we move towards the fall and flu season, everyone needs to wear masks, stay socially distant and wash their hands.”
If these measures are taken, the flu season could be milder this year, according to a new study.
According to a study published Thursday in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Weekly Report on Morbidity and Mortality, “If extensive community mitigation measures continue throughout the fall, US influenza activity remains low and seasons. May slow down or delay. “
Approximately 200,000 Americans lost their lives
However, it remains unclear what will happen next in the pandemic.
Adams said a surge in both influenza and Covid-19 cases could quickly overwhelm the capabilities of the healthcare system. Experts also warn that doctors will have a hard time distinguishing between Covid-19 and flu symptoms.
“This flu season will be the most important flu season we’ve experienced in decades,” said Adams, who also says how many people will get the Covid-19 vaccine. He added that it would be a good indicator of.
“It’s an opportunity to prepare the pump and have that conversation,” he added.
There are other scenarios for the future. Thanks to influenza vaccinations and other mitigation measures, the United States may not have to endure the double battle of experts predicted this fall, Anthony, the country’s leading infectious disease expert. Dr. Fauci said.
Australia had the fewest cases of “memorable” influenza from April to September in winter, Forch said in an interview with Washington radio station WTOP.
“They had almost no flu season, as they call it,” Forch said.
The theory, he said, was that all the precautions they took to contain the pandemic actually “avoided the flu season.”
“Despite the fear that the double whammy, the flu season, will overlap with the continuation of Covid-19, that may not be the case,” Forch said.
Teachers at risk across the United States
The country has responded to the crisis in a new semester like no other. Other students returned to class while dozens of districts across the country chose to virtually start the year-and brought with them more Covid-19 cases.
The CDC states that underlying health conditions such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease and the elderly put people in the highest risk group.
“Of all adults with severe Covid-19 CDC risk factors, 33.9 to 44.2 million were connected directly to school or at home,” wrote a researcher at the Healthcare Research and Quality Agency. I will.
The results emphasize “public health challenges that arise when the risk of school-related exposure is linked to the potential for domestic transmission,” the researchers write.
Domestic infections have also been a concern among professionals in the case of college students. The college student may be returning home for his next vacation or already living with his parents.
“You will send them back to their community, you will re-seed with individuals who are essentially capable of transmitting the infection, many communities across the country,” Forch said earlier this month.
CNN’s Lauren Mascarenhas, Shelby Lin Erdman, Ben Tinker and Andrea Kane contributed to this report.
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