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When will the blockade or curfew in London occur?


With other parts of the UK facing a local blockade, and with the ever-increasing number of Covid proceedings in Greater London, the debate is whether the capital can expect further restrictions to come into effect soon. I turned my attention to.

While plans for restrictions may appear to be hoofed, there are some actual “trigger points” that the government is based on local blockade decisions. by Evening standard, The London Trendy Escalation Framework outlines what rule enhancements will be made when the number of cases reaches these so-called trigger points. As the number of virus instances increases, the limits become more stringent.

The framework is said to have been agreed last Friday (September 11th) between London Mayor Sadick Khan, Secretary of Health Matt Hancock and a local health service leader.

According to the newspaper, the numbers scheduled to be released today in London (Friday, September 18) show that the number of cases has increased from 18.8 to about 25 per 100,000 in the last seven days. According to the framework, local lockdowns are only considered when the number reaches 50 per 100,000.

It’s a bit encouraging, but 25 out of 100,000 people could touch London’s second trigger point on the roadmap. According to reports, if London’s case is 20 to 25 per 100,000 cases, the region will be given a status of “national concern”, increased access to mobile test units, increased campaigns and outreach. Will be.

Reportedly, numbers between 25 and 50 take into account increased use of mandatory face masks and limited social interaction. This is also a time when local governments can consider implementing measures by London borough, which may include regulations such as a curfew at 10 pm and temporary closure of venues, as introduced in the north of England.

I saw the Mayor of London today suggesting that a local blockade of London could occur within two weeks if the current infection rate continues. “I’m investigating all the possibilities in London and want to see which policies in the country are successful,” Kahn told the press about the potential for lockdown in London. According to the latest evidence we’ve seen, we’re about two weeks behind some parts of the country. That’s why I’m telling Londoners, follow the advice. “

Hancock said today that the second national blockade would be the “last line of defense,” but refused to rule it out as the virus continued to spread.

The London Director of Public Health England said about the London curfew:..

Check the zip code to see how the London Autonomous Region responds to this map of the Covid case..

Feeling triggered? Check out these cozy places in London..

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