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Opinion: How Reinfection Changes Covid-19 Prevention Calculations


President Donald Trump has a coronavirus during a city center meeting with citizens on Tuesday at ABC “go away,” Even without a vaccine. “You will develop the flock, like the mentality of the flock. It will be-it will be developed by the flock and it will happen. It will all happen,” he said. It was.
Trump seems to have suggested herd resistance instead of “herd mentality,” but what he believes is clearly trying to evoke is: In the end, enough individuals will be immune when they run out of control. 70-90%) Infectious diseases no longer pose a risk to the population.
I’ve previously blogged about how careless and inadequate this idea is, and many experts actually agree. This method causes a variety of catastrophic deaths in the United States. And Sweden has yet to adopt loose technology to limit coronavirus.Far from the swarm’s immune threshold We now understand it, thanks to scientists who utilize genome sequencing strategies People are Reinfected with Covid-19— In reality, it should be the last nail in the casket of misunderstandings about the resistance of the flock.
The basic human coronavirus is not understood to actually stimulateHerd immunity They have polluted us like a clockwork for years. Until very recently, it was unclear if this was the case for SARS-CoV-2. Scientific case research of two clients reinfected with Covid-19 Hong Kong And other America (We’re still doing peer evaluation) – because we actually addressed that concern. What remains is usually how to re-infect.
What could shed light on this issue Multi-year collaborative research The human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63), led by Dutch and Kenyan scientists, is a non-fatal member of the coronavirus household, but is endemic to people around the world. Like other non-lethal human coronaviruses, HCoV-NL63 causes so-called acute rhinitis because all of us are likely to be contaminated in the shortest period of life. Three important findings from this research, released in 2018, help inform us of our understanding of Covid-19-infected SARS-CoV-2 and its ability to reinfect us. ..

The study was conducted across residential and medical facilities in Kilifi County, Kenya, and scientists followed the flow of nearby coronaviruses for six years. The first good finding was that some clients did not re-infect immediately, even twice. One individual was infected four times. This indicates that resistance to HCoV-NL63 is short-term. As a result, some patients re-infected within just three months.

The second important finding was that unexpected types of clients had higher viral load during reinfection than the overall major infection. For the majority of people, both the amount of infection in the body and the intensity of the symptoms decreased with each infection. However, the opposite was true for some clients of the NL63 research study. this is, 25 year old man in Nevada People reinfected with Covid-19.

In fact, NL63 research scientists have assumed high antibody levels in some Kenyan clients. Increased Instead of avoiding or reducing the likelihood of infection – a result that goes against the more basic expectation that strong immunity means increased security through reinfection In these cases, despite the nature of the main infection, corona We recommend that no one infected with the virus is completely safe from reinfection.

The third important finding is that no herd resistance to HCoV-NL63 was obtained in 6 years and the infection continued throughout the study. Sure, the endemic human coronavirus is not as infectious as SARS-CoV-2, but it has actually contaminated people around the world for years, dealing with constant return. .. Even if SARS-CoV-2 becomes an endemic human coronavirus like HCoV-NL63, we will not have it unless there is a commonly used vaccine that can provide security naturally. It does not remove the threat to vulnerable populations. It cannot be immune.

When considering the clinical and public health interventions that will be needed in the coming months and years, it is in our interest to acknowledge the risk of reinfection rather than hope for herd resistance. Will remain. Much effort must be made to establish and equitablely disseminate a vaccine that is not only safe and reliable, but also potentially reinfectious, but due to the potential for reinfection, until the vaccine is provided. Efforts to phase out evidence-based public health interventions need to be strengthened. Otherwise, it will take a very long time to actually see the last Covid -19. Also, it won’t be long before another deadly coronavirus takes over again.

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