Coronavirus: Amazing video reveals virus-containing particles created by singing
Australian researchers believe that singing, especially in choirs, can be widespread Coronavirus Due to airborne droplets.
The findings come from slow motion video with special LED lighting. This video shows how invisible particles are fired from the singer’s mouth.
During the experiment, one was asked to sing a popular scale and some sounds such as “do”, “fa”, and “chi”, pushing particles up to 6 meters per second (13 mph).
More than half of the droplets produced by coughing move at this speed or higher, but only 15% of the particles produced by speaking move at this speed.
Researchers suggest that additional precautions should be taken to mitigate the additional risks posed by group singing.
This includes rehearsing with a smaller number of people, wearing something that covers the face while singing, and an extreme sense of social distance.
During the experiment, one was asked to sing a popular scale, and some sounds such as “do”, “fa”, “ti” forced particles at up to 6 meters per second (13 mph). Released.
Recent research The amount of particles produced was the same, but the velocity was not taken into account.
This finding has led researchers to believe that singing is as dangerous as speaking, but new research shows that singing poses extra risks.
For example, the amount of particles produced when singing can saturate the air in the room and make social distance meaningless.
A study at the University of New South Wales in Sydney found that the majority of particles produced during singing movements were less than 0.5 m / s.
However, they are ejected in all directions and may settle in the airflow and not drift.
In rooms with air conditioning or fans, you will find that infectious particles stay in the air for extended periods of time and travel long distances.
For research, the singer remained in the relatively calm range of 66 to 72 decibels.
Singing in a choir is closely related to previous Superspreader events. The outbreaks in the choirs of Berlin, Amsterdam and Washington were very serious, with 75.6%, 78.5% and 86.9% of the attendees being COVID-19 positive, respectively.
Australian researchers believe that the coronavirus can spread through airborne droplets, especially when singing in a choir. The findings are from slow-motion video with LED lighting and show how invisible particles are fired from the singer’s mouth (photo, setup diagram).
“It’s also worth noting that some variation can be expected due to the number of droplets emitted between different individuals and other parameters such as loudness, notes, consonants, and the duration of each note sung.” Researchers say research, published today Journal of infectious diseases.
Singing in a choir is closely related to previous Superspreader events.
Outbreaks in the Berlin, Amsterdam, and Washington choirs were very serious, with 75.6%, 78.5%, and 86.9% of attendees being COVID-19 positive, respectively.
“The data presented, along with the high infection rates among the members of the choir, indicate the potential for aerial spread of COVID-19 during the singing event,” the researchers write.
This study is the latest in a series of scientific papers investigating dangerous singing poses related to Covid-19 infection.
Researchers at Lund University in Sweden investigated the amount of particles emitted when we sang, such as Happy Birthday, and found songs that were loud and rich in consonants. Spread a lot of droplets in the surrounding air.
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