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Mosquito-borne diseases: causes, symptoms, preventive tips


New Delhi |

September 19, 2020 15:35:35

Mosquito-borne disease, dengue fever, chikungunya,, indianexpress, malaria, symptoms mosquito-borne disease,Stay safe from monsoon-related illnesses caused by mosquitoes. (Source: Getty Images / utilizing)

Written by Dr. Victorantshire

Brand Wagon Conclave

Mosquito-borne diseases tend to be bitten by infected mosquitoes and spread. In addition, diseases transmitted to people through mosquitoes include chikungunya, dengue fever, malaria fever, yellow fever and Zika Viral disease.

In addition, the monsoon is ongoing and diseases such as chikungunya, dengue and malaria are widespread in these conditions. Therefore, by taking all precautions, it should take an hour to stay healthy and prevent mosquito-borne diseases.

Read about this and stay healthy.

Did you notice symptoms such as high fever with chills? Joint pain, Spinal cord pain, headache associated with fever? Diseases spread by mosquitoes are caused by viruses such as parasites and dengue fever in malaria fever. Some of these agents have caused malaria, chikungunya, and have caused people’s illness for years, and rare infections such as the Zika virus have recently been discovered. Urbanization, travel and population growth are factors that have increased the likelihood of mosquito breeding and thereby causing large-scale disease.

People who work outdoors and travel to the next area Mosquito-borne diseasePeople working in the laboratory with infected samples from mosquito-borne diseases, and healthcare professionals caring for patients infected with mosquito-borne diseases are infected by skin wounds and even sharp injuries. The body can be infected because it can occur. Therefore, one needs to be vigilant and pay sufficient attention to lead a healthy life.

Dengue fever

This is due to the dengue virus. Symptoms may appear 3 to 14 days after infection. This includes high fever, headaches, joint pain, vomiting, muscle and even skin rashes. The recovery period may take 2-7 days. Dengue fever Dengue hemorrhagic fever can also develop and is a more serious illness, including symptoms such as bleeding under the skin and constant vomiting. Dengue fever can be treated by drinking plenty of water, hydrating, and avoiding dehydration. If there is no fever, the patient must be hospitalized and treated.


It is a viral disease that is transmitted to humans from infected mosquitoes. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, joint pain, headache, muscle aches, swelling of joints, and rash. In most cases, the patient’s condition will improve within a week. However, sometimes the persistent joint pain can last for months or years. Chikungunya can lead to misdiagnosis because it has signs similar to Zika and dengue and tends to have overlapping symptoms. Therefore, a complete diagnosis is required. Do not ignore the symptoms. Instead, see a doctor immediately. Treatment includes drinking plenty of fluids, hydrating with plenty of water, taking medications recommended only by a doctor, and eating a balanced diet.

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The disease is caused by parasites. Parasites are transmitted to humans by being bitten by infected mosquitoes. People with malaria may experience symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain and fatigue, sweating, and headache. Take antimalarial medications as a precautionary measure in mosquito-prone areas. To prevent it: You must control the accumulation of dirty water to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes, and one should avoid running away without full-sleeve clothing. Patients suffering from malaria can be given antimalarial drugs to control fever.

How to prevent mosquito diseases

* Tends to suffer from malaria during the rainy season. Therefore, you should use mosquito repellents and wear full sleeve clothing to avoid bitten by a mosquito..
* Do not walk in dirty water or collect water around your house. It is a breeding place for mosquitoes.
* You need to select door and window screens. Remember to repair a damaged or damaged screen immediately. Keep unshielded doors and windows closed to keep mosquitoes out of the house.
* If you have children at home, please lay a mosquito net on the bed.
* Limit the time outside early morning or evening when mosquitoes are most active.

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* Do not give mosquitoes a breeding ground. Remove accumulated water from buckets and tires. At least once a week, empty and prepare clean bird baths, dog pots, and flower pots to keep your surroundings clean.
* Try to have a balanced diet. Choose colorful foods that can help Improve immunity.. Foods such as broccoli, carrots, turmeric, and ginger help strengthen the immune system and are also beneficial for the skin and hair. Similarly, turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help eliminate coughing. Garlic carries a cold compound known as allicin, which has demonstrated antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help tackle the common cold. Eat foods that contain vitamin C. Drink plenty of water and make sure the water boils from time to time.
* Eat old foods and avoid mutual contamination of foods. Do not eat cut fruits and vegetables for long periods of time as they can become infected with bacteria. Do not eat outside or eat junk food during the monsoon.
* Vaccines can prevent mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever
The bottom line: Severe cases of mosquito-borne disease can cause death. So don’t ignore your symptoms. Seek timely treatment and lead a healthy life.

The author provides consulting to Zen Multispeciality Hospital Chembur, a physician, intensive care and infectious disease specialist.

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