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Britain’s Second Virus Wave Blockade Imminent | Molly Champion


A former epidemiologist and former government official, a former health adviser, said Britain needed to reintroduce coronavirus blockade measures in several countries without delay.

Neil Ferguson, a professor of epidemiology at Imperial College London, said on Saturday that the BBC is facing a “complete storm” of infectious diseases as people return to work and school.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson did not want another blockade on Friday, but said the country was facing a “necessary” second wave of COVID-19 and might need new restrictions. ..

“I think it’s likely that some additional steps will be needed,” Ferguson said.

Ministers consider a second national blockade on Friday after new cases of COVID-19 nearly doubled to 6000 per day, hospitalizations increased, and infection rates soared in northern England and parts of London. It was reported that

“For now, it’s about the same level of infection that was seen in late February in this country. If left for another two to four weeks, it will return to the level that was more common in mid-March. Death or death It could happen, “Ferguson said.

The United Kingdom suffers from the highest death toll in Europe due to COVID-19, with more than 41,000 deaths due to government recommendations.

The rapid increase in infectious diseases, partly due to the concentration of cases in younger people, has not yet led to a similar increase in new deaths, but the number of hospitalized patients has begun to increase. I am.

Ferguson joined the government’s key scientific advisory group and resigned until May, breaking lockdown rules.

He said future blockade restrictions need not be as strict as those introduced in March to be effective in delaying new spreads of the disease.

More than 10 million people in some parts of northern and central England are subject to some form of lockdown restrictions, such as invitations to friends and family homes or bans from visiting pubs and restaurants after 10 pm ..

London mayor Sadiq Khan said on Friday that more stringent blockades were “more likely” for the British capital.

Since the reopening of UK schools this month, the UK’s ability to test for coronavirus infections has also been strained, often with tests unavailable or only available hundreds of miles away. People reported.

“We are now in a perfect storm-as they are told to do-return to normal, reopening schools and a surge in incidents,” Ferguson said.

Some local politicians have also expressed concern about whether companies are collecting the details needed to track down new infections.

According to official Friday statistics, less than one-third said companies such as pubs and beauty salons are constantly collecting legally required contact details, and no quarter details are asked. It is reported that

Australian Associated Press

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