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Covid-19 Stroke Patients See Increased Inflammation and Death: Study


Patients who also have COVID-19 show increased systemic inflammation and are more serious Much higher mortality rate compared to severity Patients who did not have COVID-19, according to a new study.

The study was led by Dr. Chen Lin, an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Alabama in Birmingham.

Published in the journals Brain, Behavior & Immunity-Health, this study is a retrospective observational cross-sectional study of 60 ischemic stroke patients admitted to UAB Hospital between late March and early May 2020. The brain is blocked by blood clots and deprived of brain tissue of oxygen. All patients were tested for COVID-19 on admission.

UAB researchers looked at electronic medical records of confirmed stroke cases to obtain information about age, gender, and race. Laboratory variables; laboratory data including complete blood cell count, blood chemistry and coagulation tests; results such as death, length of stay, and status at discharge.

The ratio of neutrophil count to lymphocyte count, or NLR calculated from blood cell count data, was an indicator of systemic inflammatory response. Other researchers have associated NLR as an independent factor in the severity of COVID-19 disease, intractable disease, and even mortality, but “our study found that COVID-19 and ischemic stroke and stroke. This is the first association of NLR in patients with severe disease. “

Of the 60 inpatients with acute systemic stroke, 9 were positive for COVID-19 infection.

There were four major findings in the UAB study. Initially, patients who were positive for COVID-19, measured on the National Institutes of Health’s stroke scale, or NIHSS score, which averaged 18.4 points, showed more severe neurological deficits at admission. Second, all patients with NIHSS scores above 4 (including non-infected patients) had significantly higher NLRs than those with lower scores. NIHSS is used to predict the size of lesions and measure the severity of stroke.

Third, patients with COVID-19 had an increased inflammatory response, including a significant increase in neutrophil count, a decrease in lymphocyte count, and an increase in NLR, compared to uninfected patients. Finally, the mortality rate for COVID-19 stroke patients was significantly higher at 44.4%, compared to 7.6% for non-infected stroke patients.

Two other studies this year reported clinical and laboratory differences in patients with ischemic stroke with and without COVID-19, but did not address racial or NLR differences between groups. ..

“We reported our first experience in the’stroke zone’in the southern United States, which has the highest proportion of African-American stroke patients,” said Lin, director of the stroke recovery clinic in the UAB department of cerebrovascular accidents. Disease. In a UAB study, African Americans accounted for 55.6 percent of those suffering from COVID-19 and stroke, and 37.7 percent of those suffering only one stroke.

“Interestingly, in patients with stroke and COVID-19, neutrophil and lymphocyte levels were only high and low, respectively, at the borderline,” says Lin. “NLR was almost twice as high as in patients without COVID-19. It shows that the systemic inflammatory response caused by COVID-19 can be cascaded from multiple components.

(Only the headings and photos in this report may have been rewritten by Business Standard staff. The rest of the content is automatically generated from the syndicate feed.)


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