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1918 influenza pandemic


Mom said she saved her from the flu.

“When she tried to go to the nurse, she took a taxi to Sebastopol and saw Ruth Burns, who later married Judge Foley. She was busy. When I got up, there were three bodies waiting to be picked up, so it was a tragedy.

“Thanks for listening. I needed to get it from my chest. I was 10 years old.

“Thank you very much.

“Francis Little (Mr. Duffy J.)

“I’m sorry.


Another “EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT” is from Burgestius, a lifetime Santa Rosan. He wrote a small book for the family, “I Remember When,” and occasionally shared it when there was a subject of interest—happy issues such as his memory Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Their entourage stood on the street with classmates to cheer to visit Luther Burbank in 1915.

There is no cheer in his memory of the “Spanish” flu that came to town when he was eighteen.

He and his brother wrote: Know about

“It is alleged that they were taken to the brewery’s icehouse to be placed in the refrigerator compartment until they could be properly cared for.”

“It will always seem strong,” he continued, “Large strong people first fell into tragedy, and many of them just came back from the European war in the flu war and were killed by flu worms. like”


There is another letter in the archive dated January 22, 1919. This is a letter from a Petaluma woman to her mother named Jean (all the names we know). “I’m sick everywhere I go,” she wrote. “It hasn’t been uptown since Christmas. Well, I think it’s best to stay away from people as much as possible.”

Still, Jean’s outlook is positive.

“I think it’s for a while, and the flu will be checked. It looks like it needs to be crude.”

Then she wrote a recipe to her mother, copying the “ best receipt of corn bread I’ve ever seen ” to make the last definitive word on the subject, making it for her husband Frank Sing praise of the currant pie.


It was already known and feared from the sad letters frequently sent by governments as civil servants. The flu has officially “arrived” at a road worker camp near Kotati, where a man building Highway 101 has been reported “down.”

Next comes news from the Salvation Army orphanage in Litton, where children became “sick” at a rate of 75 per day until more than half of the 250 children were sick.

She was the first fatality in the county when 10-year-old Herenglor died there on October 16.


We’ve embarked on statistics, so we end up with statistics.

The impact worldwide was staggering.

Formally, starting in the first week of October 1918 in Sonoma County and ending on the first day of February 1919, the epidemic caused 175 out of 50,000 residents of the county’s 50,000 people in four months. Died.

What happened here and in the world in the fall and winter of 1918-19 can make history seem to be actually repeated. But it is not.

You do not need to list all the ways in the world where science, communication and technology are different. And that makes us different as well-both good and not so good.

There is no time to discuss such things. We have to go wash our hands.

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