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Local doctor answers COVID-19 question | Inglewood Sun


ENGLEWOOD — With the continued spread of COVID-19, many people still have doubts.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends masks for everyone over the age of 2 and anticipates a widely available COVID-19 vaccine in 2021.

Dr. Jaclyn Nadler of Englewood’s Coastal MED attended a recent Q & A session. Sun About this disease.

If I wear disposable masks or cloth masks, when do they need to be thrown away or washed?

Historically, disposable masks should be discarded after use, but due to limited supply, they have been used longer. The replacement time is not clear, but it is usually based on usage. If someone uses it for only a short time of the day, you can use a disposable mask for several days, or if it gets dirty or comes into contact with a sick person, you can dispose of it quickly.

Cloth masks are usually the same recommendation, but it is recommended that patients keep some handy and wash them daily. It also helps prevent skin development.

Is it bad for a child to wear a mask all day at school?

There are no scientific data to support the health risks of wearing masks all day for children over the age of two. The important point is to use the CDC recommended masks and you need to have a scheduled time throughout the day to remove the masks. It’s not a health risk, it’s a comfort. of CDC on their website We provide appropriate guidance for individual situations, such as children with special needs or people with hearing impairments.

Why is it more important than ever to get a flu shot this year?

Influenza vaccination is important every year, but this year it is even more important to prevent someone from developing both SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 virus) and influenza at the same time or at about the same time. Co-infection with both SARS-CoV-2 and influenza is likely to be more serious for everyone, but even more serious for patients with other underlying health problems.

Can a flu shot protect you from COVID-19 or can you rule out not getting or canceling it?

No, influenza vaccination is only valid for seasonal influenza A or B. People are at the same risk of getting COVID-19, regardless of flu shots. If our seasonal flu shots are as effective as most years, if someone gets a flu shot and develops flu-like symptoms, self-isolate or test for COVID-19 It may encourage you to receive it. Prevalence of the community.

When the bar opens, is it safe to sit near strangers and sing and dance as usual?

The simple answer is no. Regardless of the setting, close contact with the mask without proper social distance increases the risk of infection with COVID-19. People engaged in these activities are at increased risk of transmitting the virus to themselves and those close to them.

Children from local schools are being sent home from school due to coughing and cold symptoms. It cannot be returned for 10 days. Is there a gestation period in which they may have been more contagious than at other times?

COVID-19 is unique because both children and adults are asymptomatic for several days and can remain infectious. The incubation period of COVID-19 is thought to be extended to 14 days, with a median time from exposure to onset of symptoms of 4-5 days. Individuals, including children, are usually the most infectious when presenting symptoms. As this is a new virus, the CDC and county school guidelines are constantly changing and are learning over time. My understanding is that students who have not taken the test will have to leave school for the time specified by the school district and may return early with a negative COVID test.

If I have been tested for COVID-19 for one week, is it okay for the next week?

It should be remembered that the test only shows if the person is infected with the virus when the sample is taken. Many things may be involved. The test may not have been performed on the appropriate sample or may have been performed early after exposure, which can result in false negative results.

Is there a difference between COVID for infectious diseases and COVID for diseases?

SARS-CoV-2 is a coronavirus that causes COVID-19 disease. COVID-19 is the actual illness caused by this particular virus, from asymptomatic to death. Its nomenclature is similar to how the HIV virus causes AIDS.

What can people do about corona fatigue?

Over time, we are learning about the long-term effects of COVID-19. One is persistent fatigue syndrome, which is similar to Epstein-Barr virus’s chronic fatigue syndrome. Some previously infected individuals experience this for only a few weeks, while others last much longer. At this time, I don’t know how long this will last. After a healthy diet, there is no cure other than time and rest, and it remains tolerably active. People experiencing these symptoms should discuss with their doctor to make sure that these symptoms are not related to other unrelated health problems.

Do I need to be tested if a person is asymptomatic but wants to visit a family member who lives with an elderly person or has not seen it for a while?

There are no clear guidelines for this scenario. People are asymptomatic and can pass the virus. Testing may provide some false reassurance for the ability to infect others. If you travel to meet someone, you are always at risk of being exposed during your trip. My recommendation is to avoid unnecessary trips and family visits, especially those with high health risks. If someone chooses to visit, they should do their best to maintain social distance, wear a mask and wash their hands regularly during this visit. There are many great communication tools to keep you in touch with your family without sacrificing security.


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