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A week of polio drive begins tomorrow at Sind



On Saturday, Health Minister Sind’s Dr. Azra Fazur Pechuho began a second state-wide polio vaccination following a national coronavirus outbreak.

Towards the inauguration, she said the campaign will run from September 21st to September 27th by the Emergency Surgery Center (EOC) for Sind’s polio.

The drive, which spans all 29 districts of the state, targets approximately 9.15 million children under the age of five who receive oral polio vaccine, and the minister said that 2.2 million children in the target population are only Karachi.

She detailed that more than 50,000 polio workers will participate in a home-visit vaccination campaign and 5,000 law enforcement personnel will be deployed for their safety.

“Polio campaigns are paramount, and we need to ensure that children are given the oral polio vaccine to protect them from disability and ensure their healthy future.” She said.

The minister pointed out that Pakistan is one of the two countries in the world where polio continues to prevail, and the other is Afghanistan. Therefore, she added, children need to be vaccinated, such as during routine immunization.

According to Dr. Petuho, after the outbreak of Covid-19, polio vaccination movements in the state were hampered and regular vaccinations were interrupted.

“This left an exemption gap, children are more contract-sensitive and must be filled immediately [polio]It’s more viral than it used to be, “she emphasized.

A spokesperson for the EOC also said, “While dealing with a pandemic, we also need to secure vaccinations to prevent illness in our children.”

Asking the media to raise awareness about the importance of vaccination, the Sind government launched a small polio vaccination campaign in the eastern and western regions in July after the outbreak of Covid-19 to make it happen. Said. He said the campaign covered 260,700 children, and a broader campaign took place in August, during which time about 9 million children were vaccinated.

“These actions were carried out in line with the World Health Organization’s pandemic-related guidelines, and the same will continue during the next campaign,” he was convinced.

He added that during the campaign, the team will raise awareness about Covid-19.

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