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Health officials say influenza remains a concern in the era of COVID-19 and encourages vaccination | News


BULLHEAD CITY — Influenza may not be as common or fatal as COVID-19, but it is still a public health problem.

“If it happens, whether it’s COVID or flu, it can be bad,” said Jessica Ashmore of Family Care Home Health and Hospice, a drive-through flu shot clinic in Bullhead City, Friday. Said on Saturday.

“I don’t want either. Michelvo, a pharmacist at D Flat Pharmacy in Bullhead City, sponsoring another clinic in the morning at Newswest Publishing’s parking lot, added:

Influenza is the least important in the minds of many, as COVID-19 gets everyone’s attention. And the uncertainty about when the COVID-19 vaccine will be available and how effective it is has been passed on to the influenza vaccine debate.

All influenza seasons are unique due to the number of reported cases, seasonal timing, and fluctuations in circulating strains. That is why vaccines are developed and purified each year to adapt to specific strains that are or are expected to be endemic each year. And that’s why federal, state and county health agencies recommend flu shots every year.

“Everyone has a choice (when it comes to flu shots),” Ashmore said. “We try to explain the risk of getting or not getting it.”

According to the Arizona Department of Health, 5-20% of Arizona people get the flu each year. Over the last 10 years, the number of cases has exceeded 20,000 in four years and over 36,000 in the 2019-20 season. About 700 people die each year from influenza and its complications.

According to statistics provided by the Arizona Department of Health, there are more than 1,200 cases of influenza in the 2019-20 season in Mojave County. During the flu season of 2018-19, 86 people associated with the flu died in the county.

These numbers are not as high as those due to COVID-19, but Arizona has 212,000 cases and more than 5,400 deaths, and Mojave County has more than 3,700 cases and 200 deaths.

The number of flu cannot be completely prevented, but it can be reduced by being vaccinated against the flu and following other medical advice. Many of the same recommendations for delaying the spread of COVID-19 also apply to delaying the spread of influenza. Personal hygiene, such as staying at home when sick, keeping away from social distances, and washing hands frequently.

Influenza vaccines are not 100% effective because they are designed to boost immunity to certain strains. However, for many people, flu shots help build immunity to the virus or mitigate its effects.

“They can reduce your recovery time,” Vo pointed out. “It takes only one day to take three to four days.”

Sup at a Thursday meeting of the Mojave County Supervisory Board. Buster Johnson asked Dennis Burley, director of public health in Mojave County, whether residents should be vaccinated against the flu in the fall and near the beginning of the traditional flu season.

“We really encourage people and encourage individuals to be positively vaccinated against the flu, especially in light of the fact that they continue to tackle the COVID issue in our community,” Burley said. It was. “When combined with the flu season, problems are more likely to occur not only for individuals but also for advancing hospitals, increasing hospitalizations and overwhelming the healthcare system.

“Therefore, we encourage people and recommend these flu shots.”

That sentiment is shared by the state Ministry of Health.

“The best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu shot,” ADHS said on its website ( “ADHS and CDC recommend an annual influenza vaccine as the first and most important countermeasure against influenza virus.”

Influenza vaccination is available in many local pharmacies, health care facilities, and healthcare provider offices. Some require a reservation, while others do not.

Ashmore pointed out the benefits of events like those done by Family Care and Deeflat.

“It takes five minutes,” she said. “It’s very convenient, especially for busy people and families.”

According to her, one in a group of five completed the “documentation-to-vaccine acquisition” process in a total of 15 minutes.

“Many people don’t want to have to wait an hour in their doctor’s office,” she said.


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