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Essex Coronavirus: Essex School Confirming Covid-19 Cases


Due to a confirmed case of Covid-19, at least eight schools in Essex were closed or partially closed.

The students returned about two weeks ago, so there were cases where schools were closed nationwide.

In our county, it is reported that teachers or students are tested for virus positivity every week and then countermeasures are taken.

In some schools, one “bubble” could be closed. This can be a classroom only or a year.

Others have opted to close the entire school as a precautionary measure after assessing the situation and before resuming.

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Three days ago, the latest school was the St. John Payne Catholic School in Chelmsford, which announced that students were virus-positive.

All students who were in the immediate vicinity of the students were sent home.

Sadly, with increased R rates and ongoing cases, Covid-19 could continue to disrupt school.

Below is a list of all schools in Essex with confirmed cases of Covid-19.

Great Bad High High School, Chelmsford

Great Bad High High School
(Image: Google Map)

On September 10, Great Bad High High School in Chelmsford confirmed that one of the students had a positive Covid-19 diagnosis.

Principal Paul Farmer said 13th grade with a positive reaction, And the school was cooperating with Public Health England.

The students said, “Calm, mature, calm and returned to school,” and praised “the efforts and dedication of our staff.”

St. John Payne Catholic School, Chelmsford

St. John Payne Catholic School in Patchhole Lane
(Image: Google)

St. John Payne, considered the latest case in Essex’s school, confirmed the first case of the virus on Thursday.

According to the school, grade 12 was virus-positive.

As a precautionary measure, the school sent the students in the immediate vicinity of the infected 6th form students home.

The principal, Cohen, said in a letter:

“Apart from being diagnosed and having symptoms, everything else is fine and I can continue to work at school.

“Many students who have already been confirmed to be near the student (within 1m) are sent home.

“We are reporting to the UK Public Health Service and will continue to identify all students and staff nearby.

“A proper cleaning process will be carried out in the relevant areas. We continue to receive guidance from PHE and have been in extensive contact with local schools that have recently been identified.”

Ravens Academy, Clacton On Sea

On Wednesday 16th, the Ravens Academy in Clacton announced that two members of the “Childcare Environment Community” had tested positive for Covid-19.

They wrote a letter reassuring that most people with the virus would only get a mild illness.

“A few children who have had direct long-term contact with people diagnosed with COVID-19 have direct contact and are at home for 14 days.”

“For all other students, the settings remain open and if the child is healthy, they should continue to participate.”

Joe Richardson School, Dagenham

A case of coronavirus confirmed by Joe Richardson
(Image: Google)

On Monday 14th, Joe Richardson School in Dagenham confirmed a case of coronavirus.

In a letter to his parents, the principal confirmed that the Public Health Service of England had informed them of the incident.

The school said they were monitoring the situation and reassuring parents not to worry.

The school remained open and children who felt good were told to attend.

“If a child develops COVID-19 symptoms, he or she must stay at home for at least 10 days from the day the symptoms appear.

“All other healthy household members are at home and must not leave home for 14 days.

“14 days begins on the day the first person in the house gets sick.”

Wilberry Elementary School, Enfield

Wilberry Elementary School in Enfield
(Image: Google Maps)

Just one day after the student returned to school on September 7, the school forced the “bubble class” to close because the student tested positive for the virus.

They have decided to close the “Bubble Class” for 14 days.

A statement on their website wrote: “As you may know, there was a case of COVID-19 confirmed within Wilberry Elementary School.

“We talked to the British Public Health Service and followed the national guidance.

“By their advice, we closed the’bubble’class where the child was on Monday, which will be closed for 14 days.

Freshwaters Primary Academy, Harlow

The Freshwaters Primary Academy was closed on Tuesday 8th after many students showed symptoms of the coronavirus.

The school has announced that it will be closed until negative test results are returned.

Then they said: “Unfortunately we are still waiting for the test results to come back.

“We cannot open the bubble until we receive confirmation of negative results.

“Thank you for your cooperation during this very difficult time.”

Swain Park School, Rayleigh

Rayleigh’s Swain Park School
(Image: Google Maps)

On September 8th, Swain Park School staff were confirmed to be virus positive.

Other staff or students in close contact with the affected person were sent home.

Thorough cleaning of all necessary areas of the school on September 8 continued to open the school to all students and staff unaffected by the incident.

Sopenden Elementary School, Southend

Southend Thorpeden Elementary School
(Image: Google Maps)

On Monday 14, a freshman at Thorpe Dean Elementary School sent the student home after the child tested positive for Covid-19.

Parents sent a text in the morning to warn them, and parents with first grade students were asked to collect their children immediately.

It was only the year the group bubble returned home.

There are many other schools where Covid-19 cases may have been confirmed, but we are waiting for confirmation.


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